Literature Cited & Selected References – The Aquatic Annelida of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Colorado, USA
Benenati, E.P.; Shannon, J.P.; Blinn, D.W.; Wilson, K.P.; Hueftle, S.J. 2000. Reservoir-river linkages: Lake Powell and the Colorado River, Arizona. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 19(4): 742-755.
Blinn, D.W., J.P. Shannon, L.E. Stevens, and J.P. Carder. 1995. Consequences of fluctuating discharge for lotic communities. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 14: 233-248.
Blinn, D.W., J.P. Shannon, K.P. Wilson, C. O’Brien, and P.L. Benenati. 1999. Response of benthos and organic drift to a controlled flood. Pp. 259-272, In: R.H. Webb, J.C. Schmidt, G.R. Marzolf, & R.A. Valdez (eds.). The controlled flood in Grand Canyon. Geophysical Union Monograph 110, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
Brinkhurst, R O. 1985. The generic and subfamilial classification of Naididae (Annelida: Oligochaeta). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 98(2): 470-475.
Brinkhurst, R.O. 1986. Guide to the freshwater aquatic microdrile oligochaetes of North America. Canadian Special Publication in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 84. vi + 259 pp.
Brinkhurst, R.O., and S.R. Gelder. 1991. Annelida: Oligochaeta and Branchiobdellida. Pp. 401-435, In: J.H. Thorp and A.P. Covich, eds. Ecology and classification of North American freshwater invertebrates. Academic Press – Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, San Diego, CA, USA. [ Citation for second edition noted below ].
Brinkhurst, R.O., and S.R. Gelder. 2001. Annelida: Oligochaeta, including Branchiobdellidae. Pp. 431-463, In: J.H. Thorp and A.P. Covich, eds. Ecology and classification of North American freshwater invertebrates, Second Edition. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, USA. [To order, contact Academic Press, Book Marketing Dept. #10520, 1250 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, California, 92101-9665 USA. Tel.: 1-800-321-5068.
Brinkhurst, R.O., and B.G M. Jamieson. 1971: Aquatic Oligochaeta of the world. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, ON, and Buffalo, NY. xi + 860 pp. [out of print].
Brinkhurst, R.O., and M.J. Wetzel. 1984. Aquatic Oligochaeta of the world: Supplement. A catalogue of new freshwater species, descriptions, and revisions. Canadian Tech. Rpt. Hydrography Ocean Sci. No. 44. v + 101 pp.
Collado, R., and R.M. Schmelz. 2000. Pristina silvicola and Pristina terrena spp. nov., two new soil-dwelling species of Naididae (Oligochaeta, Annelida) from the tropical rain forest near Manaus, Brazil, with comments on the genus Pristinella. Journal of Zoology, London 252: 509-516.
Erséus, C., I. Envall, P. De Wit, L.M. Gustavsson. 2017. Molecular data reveal a tropical freshwater origin of Naidinae (Annelida, Clitellata, Naididae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 115: 115–127.
Erséus, C., and L. Gustavsson. 2002. A proposal to regard the former family Naididae as a subfamily within Tubificidae (Annelida, Clitellata). Hydrobiologia 485: 253-256.
Erséus, C., L. Gustavsson, and R.O. Brinkhurst. 2005. Case 3305. Tubificidae Vejdovsky, 1876 (Annelida, Clitellata): proposed precedence over Naididae Ehrenberg, 1828. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 62(4):226-231.
Erséus, C., and C.M. Källersjö. 2004. 18S rDNA phylogeny of Clitellata (Annelida). Zoologica Scripta 33(2): 187-196.
Erséus, C.M. Källersjö, M. Ekman, and R. Hovmöller. 2002. 18S rDNA phylogeny of the Tubificidae (Clitellata) and its constituent taxa: dismissal of the Naididae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 22(3): 414-422.
Erséus, C., M.J. Wetzel, and L. Gustavsson. 2008. ICZN rules–a farewell to Tubificidae (Annelida, Clitellata). Zootaxa 1744: 66-68.
Kathman, R.D., and R.O. Brinkhurst. 1998. Guide to the freshwater oligochaetes of North America. Aquatic Resources Center, College Grove, TN 37046 USA. iv + 264 pp. USD $55.00 (post paid to U.S. addresses).
>> You may contact R.D. Kathman via email [ r.deedee.kathman{AT} ] if you wish to purchase this guide.
Klemm, D. J., ed. 1985. A guide to the freshwater Annelida (Polychaeta, naidid and tubificid Oligochaeta, and Hirudinea) of North America. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, IA. xiii + 198 pp. [now out of print, but copies may be available through used book sellers]
Klemm, D. J. 1995. Identification guide to the freshwater leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea) of Florida and other southern states. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Division of Water Facilities. Bureau of Surface Water Management, Twin Towers Office Building, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 USA. [This guide is available, without charge, by visiting the following website: FDEP FDEP Bioassessment Program Macroinvertebrate Taxonomic Keys, and then scrolling down this page to ‘Leeches.pdf’ to download a pdf version of this key, or to the next entry on this page – ‘Leechx.exe’ to receive a self-extracting .zip to html file of this same document.
Lamarck, J.B.P.A. 1818. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres, présentant les caractères généraux et particuliers de ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs familles, leurs genres, et la citation des principales espèces qui s’y rapportent; précédée d’une introduction offrant la détermination des caractères essentiels de l’animal, sa distinction du végétal et des autres corps naturels; enfin, l’exposition des principes généraux de zoologie. Tome cinquième. Arachnides, Crustacés, Annélides, Cirrhipèdes. J. B. Baillière, Paris, 612 pp.
Magalhães, W.F., Hutchings, P., Oceguera-Figueroa, A., Martin, P., Schmelz, R.M., Wetzel, M.J., Wiklund, H., Maciolek, N.J., Kawauchi, G.Y. & Williams, J.D. 2021. Segmented worms (Phylum Annelida): a celebration of twenty years of progress through Zootaxa and call for action on the taxonomic work that remains. Zootaxa, 4979 (1), 190–211.
Oberlin, G.E., J.P. Shannon, and D.W. Blinn. 1999. Watershed influence on the macroinvertebrate fauna of ten major tributaries of the Colorado River through Grand Canyon, Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 44(1): 17-30.
Peck, S.B. 1980. Climatic change and the evolution of cave invertebrates in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. NSS Bulletin 42: 53-60.
Reynolds, J. W., and D. G. Cook. 1976. Nomenclatura oligochaetologica. A catalogue of names, descriptions and type specimens of the Oligochaeta. Univ. New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick. x + 217 pp. [This catalog, and the first supplement, cited below, are out of print].
Reynolds, J. W., and D. G. Cook. 1981. Nomenclatura oligochaetologica. Supplementum primum. A catalogue of names, descriptions and type specimens of the Oligochaeta. [published by the University of New Brunswick] Fredericton, New Brunswick. v + 39 pp. [out of print].
Reynolds, J. W., and D. G. Cook. 1989. Nomenclatura oligochaetologica. Supplementum secundum. A catalogue of names, descriptions and type specimens of the Oligochaeta. New Brunswick Mus. Monogr. Ser. (Nat. Sci.) No. 8. v + 37 pp. [this second supplement is available, at no charge, from the New Brunswick Museum, 277 Douglas Avenue, Saint John, NB, Canada E2K 1E5.].
Reynolds, J. W., and D. G. Cook. 1993. Nomenclatura oligochaetologica. Supplementum tertium. A catalogue of names, descriptions and type specimens of the Oligochaeta. New Brunswick Mus. Monogr. Ser. (Nat. Sci.) No. 9. vi + 33 pp. [this third supplement is available, at no charge, from the New Brunswick Museum, 277 Douglas Avenue, Saint John, NB, Canada E2K 1E5.].
Reynolds, J.W. and M.J. Wetzel. 2004. Terrestrial Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) in North America north of Mexico. Megadrilogica 9(11): 71-98.
Reynolds, J.W., and M.J. Wetzel. 2012. Terrestrial Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) in North America, including Mexico, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Bermuda. III. Megadrilogica 15(8): 191-209.
Reynolds, J.W., and M.J. Wetzel. 2008. Terrestrial Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) in North America, including Mexico, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Bermuda. Megadrilogica 12 (12): 157-208.
Reynolds, J.W., and M.J. Wetzel. 2023. Nomenclatura Oligochaetologica – A catalogue of names, descriptions, and type specimens of the Oligochaeta. Editio Secunda (launched 6 January 2014).
Schmelz, R.M., C. Erséus, P. Martin, T. van Haaren, and T. Timm. 2021. A proposed order-level classification in Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata). Zootaxa 5040(4): 589–597.
Shannon, J.P., D.W. Blinn, and L.E. Stevens. 1994. Trophic interactions and benthic animal comunity structure in the Colorado River, Arizona. Freshwater Biology 31: 213-220.
Shannon, J.P., D.W. Blinn, P.L. Benenati, and K.P. Wilson. 1996. Organic drift in a regulated desert River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53: 1360-1363.
Shaver, M.L., J.P. Shannon, K.P. Wilson, P.L. Benenati, and D.W. Blinn. 1997. Effects of suspended sediment and desiccation on the benthic tailwater community in the Colorado River. Hydrobiologia 357: 63-72.
Stevens, L. 1983. “The Colorado River Grand Canyon – A comprehensive guide to its natural and human history.” Third Edition. Red Lake Books, P.O. Box 1315, Flagstaff, AZ 86002. 110 pp.
Stevens, L.E., J.P. Shannon, and D.W. Blinn. 1997. Colorado River benthic ecology in Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA: dam, tributary and geomorphic influences. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 13(2): 129-149.
Wetzel, M.J., G.E. Oberlin, and D.W. Blinn. 1999. The aquatic Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) of Montezuma Well, Arizona: a near thermally constant limnocrene. Southwestern Naturalist 44(4): 514-518.
Wetzel, M.J., S.V. Fend, K.A. Coates, R.D. Kathman, and S.R. Gelder. 2006a,b. Taxonomy, systematics, and ecology of the aquatic Oligochaeta and Branchiobdellidae (Annelida, Clitellata) of North America, with emphasis on the fauna occurring in Florida. A workbook prepared for two workshops: a) underwritten by / covened at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, 21-23 February 2006, and b) underwritten by the Florida Association of Benthologists, convened at the University of Florida Department of Entomology and Nematology, 9-11 May 2006. [vi + 269 pp. + 4 color plates].
Wetzel, M.J., S.V. Fend, K.A. Coates, R.D. Kathman, and S.R. Gelder. 2009. Taxonomy, systematics, and ecology of the freshwater oligochaetes and branchiobdellidans (Annelida, Clitellata) of North America. A workbook. 3 March. vi + 280 pp. + 4 color plates. Copyright (c) 2009. {The overall scope of this workbook is the North American continent; this serves as a compliment to the most recent guide published by R.D. Kathman and R. Brinkhurst in 1998.} This workbook is now out of print. An updated workbook and guide with keys to species occurring in North America is under consideration.
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