
Welcome to the homepage for the journal MEGADRILOGICA

The journal Megadrilogica publishes papers on the ecology, physiology, taxonomy, and systematics of terrestrial Oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata) – commonly referred to as megadrile oligochaetes, or simply ‘megadriles’. The journal will also consider publication of papers focusing on other groups of terrestrial, freshwater, estuarine, and marine oligochaetes, and other annelids. Megadrilogica first began publication in September 1968.  Each volume comprises 12 issues, with one to four papers per issue.

This website provides the visitor with general information about the journal; contact information for Dr. John W. Reynolds, Editor-in-Chief of Megadrilogica; instructions to assist authors in the preparation and submission of manuscripts to be considered for publication in this journal; the cost for a current subscription to this journal; and information for the purchase of past volumes / issues.

Click Here to access the Cumulative index for all published volumes and issues of Megadrilogica.

Publication Schedule, Annual Subscription Information, Cost of Individual Issues:

The journal Megadrilogica is an irregular publication: a given volume (12 issues) may be published over a period of time that is less than, or greater than, a calendar year – dependent upon submission, review, and acceptance of manuscripts.  Beginning with Volume 16 (mid-2013), the subscription rate has been USD $70.00 per volume; most single issues are available for USD $10.00. Postage for volume and single issue purchases is included for Canada and U.S. postal addresses; postage for mailing volume and single issue purchases to foreign addresses will be higher.  Note that subscription rates (and cost for individual issues) may be higher if one or more lengthy papers comprise the issue.  Please contact Editor Reynolds prior to sending funds.

The current volume (No. 27) has been finalized.  Manuscripts are now being accepted for consideration as issues to be published in volume 28 (2023–).

Page Charges:  Page charges (text) will be USD $40.00 per printed page; a surcharge of USD $50.00 will apply to pages with colour figures.  Please note that reprints can be ordered, but must be ordered from the editor before issues go to print (with cost of reprints dependent upon number requested, and page length of paper).

Abstracting and Indexing:  The journal Megadrilogica is currently abstracted by and deposits all published issues with Thompson Reuters and EBSCO Information Services.  For those authors who use ResearchGate®, their abstracts and papers are available therein.

Information for authors who are considering the journal, Megadrilogica, in which to publish their manuscripts

Editorial Board of Megadrilogica:  Dr. John W. Reynolds, Editor-in-Chief (contact information below), and Associate Editors Dr. Catalina C. de Mischis (Facultad Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, República Argentina), Dr. Donald F. McAlpine (New Brunswick Museum, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada), and Mark J. Wetzel (Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA).

Specific questions regarding manuscript format (including those associated with figures, graphs, tables, photographs, and photomicrographs) should be forwarded to Dr. Reynolds via *e-mail.

Contact Information

John Reynolds

Postal Address: Dr. John W. Reynolds, Editor-in-Chief – Megadrilogica
% Oligochaetology Lab, 9-1250 Weber Street East, Kitchener, Ontario N2A 4E1 CANADA Telephone: Voice: (519) 896-4728 (with voicemail)
E-Mail:  john.w.reynolds1941′{AT}’ *

Photo © The Record, Kitchener, Ontario, CA; all rights reserved. The photo of John Reynolds (above) was associated with an article entitled, “He Really Digs His Research”, written by Valerie Hill (Lifestyle Journalist) and published in THE RECORD (a daily newspaper in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) on Thursday 8 January 2004 (Section B pp. 1-2).

About this website.  The website for the journal Megadrilogica was established (14 August 2003) by Mark J. Wetzel (Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois, USA, and an Associate Editor of this journal), in cooperation with Dr. John W. Reynolds (Director of the Oligochaetology Laboratory, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada), the Editor-in-Chief of Megadrilogica.  This website was migrated to a new pages using WordPress in January 2022.

Suggested citation for this website:
Wetzel, M.J., and J.W. Reynolds. 2025.  Megadrilogica – Journal Homepage. September.
World Wide Web URL:

Questions, comments, corrections, and/or suggestions regarding this website can be directed to Mark Wetzel [*e-mail: mjwetzel{AT}] as well as to John Reynolds; other inquiries specific to the Journal (e.g., editorial format, manuscript submission, publication schedule, page and reprint charges, suggestions for outside reviewers, subscriptions, purchase of past volumes / issues by individuals and institutional libraries) should be directed to Dr. Reynolds [ e-mail: john.w.reynolds1941′{AT}’ * ].

*NOTE:  The ‘@’ symbol in the e-mail addresses on this page have been replaced with ‘{AT}’ to deter the ‘harvesting, mining, or sweeping’ of active webpages by auto-trolls, robots, and other programs initiated by virtual telemarketers, spammers, hackers, hijackers, and similar ilk who perpetuate malware, adware, or otherwise create and flood the internet to auto-collect valid e-mail addresses, personal information, and legitimate business content.  Thus you must replace the ‘{AT}’ (in email addresses noted above on this page) with the ‘@’ symbol in order for your email message to be sent and received.

[ page update: 2021-XI-17 // 01, 29jan;02,20Feb2022; 01Jan;04Aug,10Sep2023; 03jan2025; mjw ]