Cumulative Index for the journal Megadrilogica

A cumulative index for all volumes and issues of the journal Megadrilogica is presented here. Except where noted, all papers are written in English; abstracts in one or more languages have also been included.

Volume 1, 1968–1974 [ each issue paginated separately ]
Issue #
(1) On a glossoscolecid earthworm from Panama and its genus. (pp. 1-15 in original; reprinted in 1992: pp. 1-6). Gates, G.E., 1968 (September) [paper in English; no abstracts].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Thamnodriloides Gates, 1968 – gen. nov.; Thamnodriloides yunkeri Gates, 1968 – sp. nov.}

(2) Miscellanea Megadrilogica VII. (pp. 1-14 original; reprinted in 1992: pp. 1-5) Gates, G.E., 1970 (July) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(3) Earthworms (Lumbricidae) of the Haliburton Highlands, Ontario, Canada. (pp. 1-11) Reynolds, J.W., 1972 (May) [paper in English; abstract in English].

(4) Répartition et biomasse des Lombricidés (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) dans trios bois de la France (Département d’Essonne). (pp. 1-6). Reynolds, J.W., 1972 (October) [paper in French; abstracts in French, English, and German].

(5) The earthworms of Delaware (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae and Lumbricidae). (pp. 1-4). Reynolds, J.W., 1973 (July) [paper in English; abstract in English].

(6) The earthworms of Rhode Island (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). (pp. 1-4) Reynolds, J.W., 1973 (October) [paper in English; abstract in English].

(7) The earthworms of Connecticut (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae). (pp. 1-4). Reynolds, J.W., 1973 (December) [paper in English; abstract in English].

(8) Note on nematodes occurring in Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta). (pp. 1-2) Dash, M.C., 1973 (December) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(9) On oligochaete gonads. (pp. 1-4). Gates, G.E., 1974 (May) [no abstracts].

(10) The worm turns: an investigation of experimentation on the learning abilities of earthworms. (pp. 1-6). Howell, D.N., 1974 (September) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(11) The earthworms of Maryland (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae). (pp. 1-12) Reynolds, J.W., 1974 (November) [paper in English; abstract in English].

(12) Per-Olof Ljungström 1949-1973. (pp. 1-2) Reinecke, A.J., 1974 (November) [paper in English; no abstracts].

Present names of some New Zealand earthworms. (pp. 2-3) Gates, G.E., 1974 (November) [paper in English; no abstracts].

Volume 2, 1975–1976 [ each issue separately separately ]
Issue #
(1) Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XII. Enterion mammale Savigny, 1826 and its position in the family. (pp. 1-5) Gates, G.E., 1975 (March) [paper in English; no abstracts].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Satchellius Gates, 1975 – gen. nov.}

On a few earthworms from New Guinea (Oligochaeta). (pp. 6-8) Gates, G.E., 1975 (March). [paper in English; no abstracts].

Editorial. (p. 8) Gates, G.E. and J.W. Reynolds, 1975 (March) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(2) A preliminary conceptual model of megadrile activity and abundance in the Haliburton Highlands. (pp. 1-9) Reynolds, J.W. and G.A. Jordan, 1975 (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and German].

Sparganophilus pearsei n.sp. (Oligochaeta: Sparganophilidae) a nearctic earthworm from western North Carolina. (pp. 9-11) Reynolds, J.W., 1975 (April) [paper in English; abstract in English].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Sparganophilus pearsei Reynolds, 1975 – sp. nov.}

(3) Les lombricidés (Oligochaeta) des Îles-de-la-Madeleine. (pp. 1-8) Reynolds, J.W., 1975 (May) [paper in English; paper in French; abstracts in English, French and German].

(4) Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XII. Eisenia japonica (Michaelsen, 1891). (pp. 1-3) Gates, G.E., 1975 (June) [paper in English; no abstracts].

Les lombricidés (Oligochaeta) de la Gaspésie, Québec. (pp. 4-9) Reynolds, J.W., 1975 (June) [paper in French; abstracts in English and French].

Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XIV. What is Enterion terrestris Savigny, 1826 and what are its relationships? (pp. 10-12) Gates, G.E., 1975 (June) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(5) Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XV. On some other species of Eisenia. (pp. 1-7) Gates, G.E., 1975 (July) [paper in English; no abstracts].

Les lombricidés (Oligochaeta) de Î’lle d’Orleans, Québec. (pp. 8-11) Reynolds, J.W., 1975 (July) [paper in French; abstracts in English, French and German].

(6) Boitteagan (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) Cheap Breatunn. (pp. 1-7) Reynolds, J.W., 1975 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, German, and Gaelic].

Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XVI. Allolobophora minuscule Rosa, 1906 and Enterion pygmaeum Savigny, 1826. (pp. 7-8) Gates, G.E., 1975 (August) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(7) Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XVII. Octolasion calarense Tétry, 1944. (pp. 1-3) Gates, G.E., 1975 (September) [paper in English; no abstracts].

The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of Prince Edward Island. (pp. 4-10) Reynolds, J.W., 1975 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French German].

(8) The distribution and ecology of the earthworms of Nova Scotia. (pp. 1-7) Reynolds, J.W., 1976 (January) [paper in English; abstracts English and French].

Note on a little known species of the American genus Diplocardia. (pp. 7-8) Gates, G.E., 1976 (January) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(9) Un apreçu des vers de terre dans les forêts nord-américaines, leurs activités et leurs répartition. (pp, 1-11) Reynolds, J.W., 1976 (February) [paper in French; abstracts in English, French, and German].

(10) Computer plotting and analysis of earthworm population distribution in Prince Edward Island. (pp. 1-7) Jordan, G.A., J.W. Reynolds and A,J, Burnett, 1976 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, German and Afrikaans].

Recent records of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from central New York state. (pp. 7-8) Schwert, D.P, 1976 (March) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(11) More on oligochaete distribution in North America. (pp. 1-6) Gates, G.E., 1976 (April) [paper in English; no abstracts].

Preliminary notes on a new megadrile species, genus, and family from southwestern United States. (pp. 6-8) McMahan, M.L., 1976 (March) [paper in English; no abstracts].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Lutodrilidae McMahan, 1976 – fam. nov., Lutodrilus McMahan, 1976 – gen. nov., Lutodrilus multivesiculatus McMahan, 1976 – sp. nov.}

(12) On earthworm ovaries and their importance in megadrile systematics. I. (pp. 1-2) Gates, G.E., 1976 (August) [paper in English; no abstracts].

Aporrectodea icterica (Savigny, 1826) une espéce europèen de vers de terre récemment découverte en Amerique du Nord. (pp. 3-4) Reynolds, J.W., 1976 (August) [paper in French; no abstracts].

Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XIX. On the genus of the earthworm Enterion roseum Savigny,1826. (p. 4) Gates, G.E., 1975 (August) [paper in English; no abstracts].

Volume 3, 1977–1980
[ beginning with this volume, each number/issue is paginated consecutively ]
Issue #
(1) More on the earthworm genus Diplocardia. (pp. 1-47) Gates, G.E., 1977 (March) [paper in English; abstract in English].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Diplocardia meansi Gates, 1977 – sp. nov., D. sylvicola Gates, 1977 – sp. nov., D. nova Gates, 1977 – sp. nov., D. biprostatica Gates, 1977 – sp. nov., D. bitheca Gates, 1977 – sp. nov., D. alabamana Gates, 1977 – sp. nov., D. alba gravida Gates, 1977 – subsp. nov., D. farmvillensis Gates, 1977 – sp. nov., D. komereki Gates, 1977 – sp. nov., D. pettiboneae Gates, 1977 – sp. nov., D. vaili Gates, 1977 – sp. nov., D. minima Gates, 1977 – sp. nov.}

(2) The earthworms of Massachusetts (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae). (pp. 49-54) Reynolds, J.W., 1977 (April) [paper in English; abstract in English].

On correct generic name for some west coast native earthworms, with aids for a study of the genus. (pp. 54-60) Gates, G.E., 1977 (April) [paper in English; no abstract].

(3) The earthworms of Tennessee (Oligochaeta). II. Sparganophilidae, with the description of a new species. (pp. 61-64) Reynolds, J.W., 1977 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Sparganophilus tennesseensis Reynolds, 1977 – sp. nov.}

(4) The earthworms of Tennessee (Oligochaeta). III. Komarekionidae, with notes on distribution and biology. (pp. 65-69) Reynolds, J.W., 1977 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

Extra tails on earthworms. (p. 70) Gates, G.E., 1977 (September) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(5) Contribution to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XX. The genus Eiseniella in North America. (pp. 71-79) Gates, G.E., 1977 (October) [paper in English; no abstracts].

Recent issues. (p. 80). [Reynolds, J.W., ed.] (October) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(6) Contribution to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XXI. The earthworm genus Lumbricus in North America. (pp. 81-116) Gates, G.E., 1978 (May) [paper in English; abstract in English].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Murchieonia Gates, 1978 – gen. nov.}

(7) The earthworms of Tennessee (Oligochaeta). IV. Megascolecidae, with notes on distribution, biology, and a key to the species in the state. (pp. 117-129) Reynolds, J.W., 1978 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Chinese, and Japanese].

(8) Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XXII. The genus Eisenia in North America. (pp. 131-147) Gates, G.E., 1978 (November) [paper in English; abstract in English].

A contribution to our knowledge of the earthworm fauna of North Dakota. (pp. 148-149) Reynolds, J.W., 1978 (November) [paper in English; abstract in English].

Note on an Indian earthworm with two tails. (p. 150) Dash, M.C. and U.C. Patra, 1978 (November) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(9) Contribution to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XXIII. The genus Dendrodrilus Omodeo, 1956 in North America. (pp. 151-162) Gates, G.E., 1979 (March) [paper in English; abstract in English].

A new genus of larger ocnerodrilid earthworms in the American hemisphere. (pp. 162-164) Gates, G.E., 1979 (March) [paper in English; no abstracts].

South Dakota does have earthworms! (pp. 165-166) Gates, G.E., 1979 (March) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(10) Growth, posterior regeneration and segment number in Eisenia foetida. (pp. 167-175) Moment, G.B., 1979 (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XXIV. What is Dendrobaena byblica Rosa, 1893? (pp. 175-176) Gates, G.E., 1979 (October) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(11) Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XXV. The genus Allolobophora Eisen, 1874, in North America. (pp. 177-184) Gates, G.E., 1980 (September) [paper in English; no abstracts].

Growth and fecundity of F2 Eisenia foetida derived from F1S, both reared in isolation from birth. (pp. 185-187) Hartenstein, R., E.F. Neuhauser and E.G. Easton, 1980 (September) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(12) The earthworm family Sparganophilidae (Annelida, Oligochaeta) in North America. (pp. 189-204) Reynolds, J.W., 1980 (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and German]. Newly described taxa in this issue: {Sparganophilus gatesi Reynolds, 1980 – sp. nov.; Sparganophilus helenae Reynolds, 1980 – sp. nov.; Sparganophilus komareki Reynolds, 1980 – sp. nov.; Sparganophilus kristinae Reynolds, 1980 – sp. nov.; Sparganophilus meansi Reynolds, 1980 – sp. nov.; Sparganophilus pearsei libertiensis Reynolds, 1980 – ssp. nov.; Sparganophilus pearsei sarasotae Reynolds, 1980 – ssp. nov.; Sparganophilus wilmae Reynolds, 1980 – sp. nov.}

Contribution to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. XXVI. On two octolasia. (pp. 205-211) Gates, G.E., 1980 (October) [paper in English; abstract in English].

[Gates, G.E.], 1980 (October) Contributions to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. (p. 211). [this is a listing of 26 citations for papers previously published by Gates on this subject] [paper in English; no abstracts].

Volume 4, 1981–1993
Issue #
(1-2) The identity of Perichaeta lawsoni Bourne, 1886 (Syn. Megascolex curgensis Michaelsen, 1921)(Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta). (pp. 1-3) Easton, E.G., 1982 (May) [paper in English; no abstracts].

Contribution to the knowledge of Spanish Lumbricidae. III. Dendrobaena pseudorrosea n.sp. (pp. 3-5) Moreno, A.G., J.B. Jesus and D.J. Diaz Cosin, 1982 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Dendrobaena pseudorrosea Moreno, Jesus & Diaz, 1982 – sp. nov.}

“Eisenia foetida” is two biological species. (pp. 6-8) Jaenike, J., 1982 (May) [paper in English; abstract in English].

Dendrobaena attemsi in an American greenhouse, with notes on its morphology and systematic position. (pp. 8-11) Fender, W.M., 1982 (May) [paper in English; abstract in English].

Farewell to North American megadriles. (pp. 12-77) Gates, G.E., 1982 (May) [paper in English; no abstracts].

Earthworm abundance in selected forest habitats in Maine. (pp. 78-80) Nicholson, C.P. and R.B. Owen Jr., 1982 (May) [paper in English; abstract in English].

(3) Arctiostrotus (gen. nov.). Part I. The identity of Plutellus perrieri Benham, 1892 and its distribution in relation to glacial refugia. (pp. 81-85) McKey-Fender, D. and W.M. Fender, 1982 (September) [paper in English; abstract in English].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Arctiostrotus McKey-Fender, 1982 – gen. nov.; Arctiostrotus altmani (Benham, 1936) – comb. nov.}[type species: Plutellus perrieri Benham, 1892; other species now included in this genus: Plutellus altmani Gates, 1942 (= Plutellus decathecus Altman, 1936), and [at the time of this publication] five other as-yet undescribed taxa].

Doctor Kincaid’s other worm. (pp. 86-88) McKey-Fender, D., 1982 (September) [paper in English; abstract in English].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Kincaidodrilus McKey-Fender, 1982 – gen. nov.; Kincaidodrilus kincaidii (Altman, 1936) – comb. nov. [type species: Plutellus kincaidii Altman, 1936]}.

(4) Contribution to the knowledge of Spanish Lumbricidae with the description of three new species: Nicodrilus subterrestris sp. nov., Scherotheca campoii sp. nov. and Scherotheca navarrensis sp. nov. (pp. 89-91) Lainez, C. and R. Jordana, 1983 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish]. Newly described taxa in this issue: {Nicodrilus subterrestris Lainez & Jordana, 1983 – sp. nov.; Scherotheca campoii Lainez & Jordana, 1983 – sp. nov.; Scherotheca navarrensis Lainez & Jordana, 1983 – sp. nov.}

The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) fauna of Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Alberta. (pp. 91-92) Hilton, D.F.J and J.W. Reynolds, 1983 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(5) Earthworms of the western United States. Part I. Lumbricidae. (pp. 93-129) Fender, W.M., 1985 (February) [paper in English; no abstracts].

The earthworms (Annelida, Oligochaeta) from the Pampa de Achala (Córdoba, Argentina), (pp. 130-131) de Mischis, C.C., 1985 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

Contribution to the knowledge of Spanish Lumbricidae. V. Allolobophora morenoe n. sp. (pp. 131-132) Diaz Cos’n, D.J., E.B. Calvin and S. Mato, 1985 (February) [paper in English; no abstracts].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Allolobophora morenoe Diaz, Calvin & Mato, 1985 – sp. nov.}

(6) The earthworms (Annelida, Oligochaeta) from the province of San Luis (Argentina). Part I. (pp. 133-134) Mischis, C.C. de, 1985 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(7) Abnormality of certain features of the earthworm Pheretima hilgendorfi (Michaelsen). (pp. 137-139) Ochiai, T. and I. Usuki, 1988 (June) [paper in English; abstract in English].

Octodrilus transpadanus (Rosa, 1884) (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae), from the province of San Luis (Argentina). Part II. (pp. 139-140) Mischis, C.C. de and A.M. Brigada, 1988 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

Contribution to the study of the Lumbricidae in the Canary Islands. I. Genus Eiseniella. (pp. 140-142) Talavera, J.A., 1988 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(8) The first record of the species Amynthas diffringens (Baird, 1869) (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) in the province of Córdoba (Argentina). (pp. 143-144) Mischis, C.C. de, 1992 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

Additional Ontario earthworm county records (Lumbricidae). (p. 144) Reynolds, J.W. and J.W. Reynolds, 1992 (June) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(9) Les vers de terre (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae et Sparganophilidae) sur la rive nord du Saint-Laurent (Québec). (pp. 145-161) Reynolds, J.W. and K.W. Reynolds, 1992 (October) [paper in French; abstracts in English and French].

(10) Identification of earthworms (Lumbricidae): choice of method and distinction criteria. (pp. 163-174) Bøgh, P.S., (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Danish].

(11) The earthworm (Lumbricidae) distribution in Alberta (Canada). (pp. 175-180) Scheu, S. and M.A. McLean, 1993 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English and German].

(12) 25 Year Cumulative Index 1968-1993. (pp. 181-185) Reynolds, J.W., 1993 (August). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 5, 1993–1994
Issue #
(1) On some earthworms from Swaziland (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae, Megascolecidae, Microchaetidae and Octochaetidae). (pp. 1-8) Reynolds, J.W., 1993 (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Swazi, Zulu and Afrikaans].

(2) A contribution to the knowledge of megascolecid fauna (Annelida, Oligochaeta) from the Province of Córdoba, Argentina. (pp. 9-12) de Mischis, C.C., 1993 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(3) The distribution of the earthworms (Oligochaeta) of Indiana: a case for the Post Quarternary Introduction Theory for Megadrile migration in North America. (pp. 13-32) Reynolds, J.W., 1994 (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(4) The earthworms of Bangladesh (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae, Moniligastridae and Octochaetidae). (pp. 33-44) Reynolds, J.W., 1994 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Bangla].

(5) Ecology of nearctic earthworms in the southeastern USA. I. Characteristics of Diplocardia longa (Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae) surface casts in grass, hardwood and pine microhabitats on the Lower Piedmont of Georgia. (pp. 45-51) Hendrix, P.F., M.A. Callaham Jr. and S.W. James, 1994 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(6) Earthworms of North Carolina (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae). (pp. 53-72) Reynolds, J.W., 1994 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(7) Ecology of nearctic earthworms in the southeastern USA. II. Effects of bait harvesting on Diplocardia (Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae) populations in Apalachicola Forest, north Florida. (pp. 73-76) Hendrix, P.F., M.A. Callaham Jr. and L. Kirn, 1994 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(8) Earthworms of Virginia (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) (pp. 77-94) Reynolds, J.W., 1994 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(9) On some earthworms from Belize, C.A. with the description of a new species (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Glossoscolecidae and Octochaetidae). (pp. 97-106) Reynolds, J.W. and G. Righi, 1994 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Portuguese].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Eodrilus jenniferae Righi, 1994 – sp. nov.}

(10) Evolutionary relationships within the Clitellata: an update. (pp. 109-112) Brinkhurst, R.O., 1994 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

On Bimastos parvus (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from Yukon Territory (Canada), with discussion of distribution of the earthworms in northwestern North America and northeastern Siberia. (pp. 113-116) Berman, D.I. and Y.M. Marusik, 1994 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Russian].

(11) Influence of feeding in the biological cycle of Eisenia foetida (Savigny)(Annelida, Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). (pp. 117-122) Herrera, J.A.D. and C.C. de Mischis, 1994 (September) [abstracts in English and Spanish].

Two species of earthworms newly reported from Belize, C.A. (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae and Megascolecidae). (pp. 122-124) Reynolds, J.W. and C.A. Guerra, 1994 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(12) Earthworms of Florida (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae, Octochaetidae and Sparganophilidae). (pp. 125-141) Reynolds, J.W., 1994 (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

Index Volume 5 (1993-1994). (pp. 142-143). Reynolds, J.W., 1994 (October). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 6, 1994–1997
Issue #
(1) Earthworms from southeastern Mexico, new acanthodriline genera and species (Megascolecidae, Oligochaeta). (pp. 1-12) Fragoso, C. and P. Rojas-Férnandez, 1994 (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Kaxdrilus parcus Fragoso & Rojas-Férnandez, 1994 – gen. et sp. nov.; Kaxdrilus proboscithecus Fragoso & Rojas-Férnandez, 1994 – sp. nov.; Kaxdrilus sylvicola Fragoso & Rojas-Férnandez, 1994 – sp. nov.; Mayadrilus rombki Fragoso & Rojas-Férnandez, 1994 – gen. et sp. nov.; Mayadrilus calakmulensis Fragoso & Rojas-Férnandez, 1994 – sp. nov.}

(2) New earthworm records from Rainy River District in north western Ontario (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). (pp. 13-17) Reynolds, J.W. and P.N. Mayville, 1994 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Ojibway — Latin and pictograms].

First records of the allochthonous species Dichogaster saliens and D. bolaui (Oligochaeta: Octochaetidae) from Sweden. (pp. 17-20) Erséus, C., P. Omodeo and E. Rota, 1994 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Swedish and Italian].

(3) Earthworms of Mississippi (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae). (pp. 21-33) Reynolds, J.W., 1994 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(4) Earthworms of Alabama (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae). (pp. 35-46) Reynolds, J.W., 1994 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(5) Influence of feeding in the biological cycle of Eisenia foetida (Savigny)(Annelida, Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). Part II. (pp. 47-50) Herrera, J.A.D. and C.C. de Mischis, 1995 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].

(6) Additional earthworm records from Bangladesh (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae, Megascolecidae, Moniligastridae, Ocnerodrilidae and Octochaetidae). (pp. 51-60) Reynolds, J.W., J.M. Julka and M.N. Khan, 1995 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Hindi and Bangla].

First records of Microscolex phosphoreus and Malabaria levis (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae and Ocnerodrilidae) from India. (pp. 60-62) Julka, J.M. and R. Paliwal, 1995 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Hindi].

(7) New earthworm records from Belize, C.A. (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Octochaetidae). (pp. 63-70) Reynolds, J.W., C. Fragoso and C.A. Guerra, 1995 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish and Mayan].

Dendrodrilus rubidus (Savigny, 1826) (Annelida, Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) found in Córdoba, Argentina, with notes on its morphology and ecology. (pp. 70-72) Mischis, C.C. de and J.A.D. Herrera, 1995 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].

(8) New earthworm records for Alberta (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) including the description of a new Canadian species. (pp. 73-82) Reynolds, J.W. and M.J. Clapperton, 1996 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Apporectodea bowcrowensis Reynolds & Clapperton – sp. nov., p. 77}

Pesticide effect on number and biomass dynamics of the earthworm Dendrobaena veneta. (pp. 83-86) Karaman, S., R. Ognjanovic, M. Stojanovic and T. Nikolic, 1966 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

Note sur un ver de terre à deux queues du Québec. (pp. 86-88) Reynolds, J.W. and B. Estevez, 1996 (February) [paper in French; no abstracts].

(9) Note on some cave earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from the Isle of Man, U.K. (pp. 89-90) Reynolds, J.W., 1996 (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(10) Bacteriology of poultry litter, compost and the earthworm Eisenia foetida (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). (pp. 91-95) Rodriguez, C., V. Beoletto and M. Finola, 1996 (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].

Note on the first earthworm record from the Northwest Territories, Canada. (p. 96) Reynolds, J.W. and S.M. Moore, 1996 (November) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(11) Earthworm community distribution (Annelida, Oligochaeta) along an altitudinal gradient on “Altas Cumbres Road” (Córdoba, Argentina). (pp. 97-102) Mischis, C.C. de, J.A.D. Herrera and A.M. Freguglia, 1997 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].

Brief historical review and checklist of Korean earthworms. (pp. 103-104) Yong Hong and J.W. Reynolds, 1997 (February) [paper in English; no abstracts].

(12) Earthworm [Eisenia foetida (Savigny)] growth in coypu and other animal faeces as nutritional substrata. (pp. 105-109) Di Masso, R.J., L.B. Marc and N.R. Biasatti, 1997 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].

Index Volume 6 (1994-1997). (pp. 111-112) Reynolds, J.W., 1997 (February). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 7, 1997–1999
Issue #
(1) Randdrilus gen. nov. (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae), un neuve género de lombríz de tierre para Panamá. (pp. 1-8) Moreno, A.G. and C. Pérez-Santos, 1997 (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Randdrilus simonoi Moreno & Perez-Santos, 1997 – gen. et sp. nov.; Randdrilus soriaoi Moreno & Perez-Santos, 1997 – sp. nov.}

(2) On some earthworms from central and southeastern Mexican mountains, including two new species of the genus Dichogaster (Dichogastrini). (pp. 9-19) Fragoso, C. and J.W. Reynolds, 1997 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Dichogaster michoacana Fragoso, 1997 – sp. nov.; {Dichogaster jaliscensis Fragoso, 1997 – sp. nov.}

(3) Bacteriology of laying hens’ manure, composting and Eisenia foetida (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). (pp. 21-27) Rodríguez, C., M. Finola, V. Beoletto and C. Basualdo, 1997 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(4) Redescription and new record of Andioscolex tinga (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae) for Tucuman, Argentina. (pp. 29-31) Teisaire, E.S. and I.A. Roldán, 1998 (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(5) The role of Eisenia foetida (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in recycling of micro-organisms. Cycles C and N. (pp. 33-36) Rodríguez, C., C. Olmedo and S. Kraft, 1998 (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(6) Biological cycle of Eisenia foetida (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in farm organic wastes. (pp. 37-39) Rodríguez, C. and E. Natale, 1998 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

Ecology of the limicolous megadrile Lutodrilus multivesiculatus (Annelida: Oligochaeta). (pp. 40-44) McMahan, M.L., 1998 (December) [paper in English; abstract in English].

(7) The earthworms (Annelida, Oligochaeta) of American Samoa. (pp 45-48) Vargo, D.L., 1999 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Samoan].

(8) Effect of Eisenia foetida (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) humus on the biological properties of a typical Hapludoll soil. (pp. 49-54) Sánchez, S. and C. Rodríguez, 1999 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

New earthworm records for the state of California, USA. (p. 54) Reynolds, J.W., 1999 (June) [paper in English; no abstract].

Prof. Dr. Gilberto Righi (1937-1999): In Memoriam. (pp. 55-60) Mischis, C.C. de and J.W. Reynolds, 1999 (June) [paper in English; no abstract].

(9) First record of oligochaete fauna (Annelida, Oligochaeta) from the Province of La Rioja, Argentina. (pp. 61-64) Mischis, C.C. de and R.M. Gleiser, 1999 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(10) New records of cave-dwelling earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Naididae) and other annelids (Aeolosomatida, Branchiobdellida and Hirudinea) in the southeastern United States, with notes on their ecology. (pp. 65-71) Reeves, W.K. and J.W. Reynolds, 1999 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

A contribution to our knowledge of the earthworm fauna of Colorado, USA. (pp. 71-72) Reynolds, J.W., 1999 (September) [paper in English; no abstract].

(11) Lectinhistochemical study of glycoconjugates of the digestive tract of Eisenia foetida (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). (pp. 73-79) Rolando, A., M.T. Mugnaini, M.C. Romanini and C.A. Soñez, 1999 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

A contribution to our knowledge of the earthworm fauna of Hawai’i, USA. (pp. 79-80) Reynolds, J.W., 1999 (December) [paper in English; no abstract].

(12) A contribution to our knowledge of the earthworm fauna of Saskatchewan, Canada. (pp. 81-82) Reynolds, J.W. and M.N. Khan, 1999 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

Index Volume 7 (1997-1999). (pp. 81-82) Reynolds, J.W., 1999 (December). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 8, 2000–2002
Issue #
(1) New record and redescription of Enantiodrilus borellii (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae) for Tucumán Province, Argentina. (pp. 1-3) Roldán, I.A. and E.S. Teisaire, 2000 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(2) A contribution to our knowledge of the earthworm fauna of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). (pp. 5-8) Reynolds, J.W. 2000 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(3) A contribution to our knowledge of the earthworm fauna of Manitoba, Canada (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). (pp. 9-12) Reynolds, J.W. 2000 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(4) Amynthas hupeiensis (Michaelsen, 1895) (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) in Illinois, USA, with observations on worm circling. (pp. 13-16) Zaborski, E.R. and L.A. Soeken Gittenger, 2001 (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(5) Nuevos datos de lombrices de tierra (Oligochaeta) de la República Dominicana. (pp. 17-19) Reynolds, J.W. and D.W. Reynolds, 2001 (March) [paper in Spanish; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(6) Primeros datos de lombrices de tierra (Oligochaeta) de la Isla de San Andrés, Colombia. (pp. 21-24) Reynolds, J.W. and D.W. Reynolds, 2001 (April) [paper in Spanish; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(7) The earthworms of South Carolina (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae). (pp. 25-36) Reynolds, J.W., 2001 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(8) The earthworms of New Brunswick (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). (pp. 37-47) Reynolds, J.W., 2001 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(9) Earthworms from southern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. (pp. 49-52) Burela, S. and N.J. Cazzaniga, 2001 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(10) Sparganophilus eiseni (Oligochaeta, Sparganophilidae) in New Brunswick, an addition to the earthworm fauna of Maritime Canada. (pp. 53-56) McAlpine, D.F., J.W. Reynolds, T.J. Fletcher, J.L. Trecartin and D.L. Sabine, 2001 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(11) Description of new species of the predaceous lumbriculid oligochaete Phagodrilus from western North America. (pp. 57-81) McKey-Fender, D. and W.M. Fender, 2001 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Phagodrilus balci McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus baueri McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus chetcoensis McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus hauserensis McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus johnsoni McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus klamathensis McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus laqueus McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus minutus McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus oregonensis McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus parvus McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus perditus McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus phoebe McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; Phagodrilus secundus McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.; and Phagodrilus stellatus McKey-Fender, 2001 – sp. nov.}

Sparganophilidae — are terrestrial oligochaetologists missing the habitat in North America? (pp. 82-84) Reynolds, J.W., 2001 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(12) The earthworms of Minnesota (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae). (pp. 85-99) Reynolds, J.W., D.R. Linden and C.M. Hale, 2002 (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

Index Volume 8 (2000-2002). (pp. 100-102) Reynolds J.W., 2002 (January). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 9, 2002–2004
Issue #
(1) Primeros datos de lombrices de tierra (Oligochaeta) de la Isla de Contadora, Panamá. (pp. 1-4) Reynolds, J.W. and D.W. Reynolds, 2002 (April) [paper in Spanish; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(2) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of Gough Island, South Atlantic Ocean. (pp. 5-15) Reynolds, J.W., A.G. Jones, K.J. Gaston and S.L. Chown, 2002 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, Spanish and Afrikaans].

(3) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of Eskişehir City, Turkey. (pp. 17-20) Misirlioğlu, İ.M., 2002 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Turkish].

(4) Additional earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) records from Rhode Island, USA. (pp. 21-27) Reynolds, J.W., 2002 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(5) Allolobophora cupulifera Tétry (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in Ireland: first records for the British Isles. (pp.29-32) Muldowney, J. and O. Schmidt, 2002 (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, Irish and German].

(6) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of Wyoming, USA. (pp. 33-39) Reynolds, J.W., 2003 (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].

First earthworm record from Nunavut, Canada and the second from the Northwest Territories. (p. 40) Reynolds, J.W., 2003 (January) [paper in English; no abstract].

(7) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of Colorado, USA. (pp. 41-48) Reynolds, J.W. and W.K. Reeves, 2003 ( March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].

(8) A preliminary survey of the oligochaete fauna of Tierra del Fuego, (Argentina). (pp. 49-51) Mischis, C.C. and A.G. Moreno, 2003 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

A second earthworm species (Lumbricidae) from Nunavut, Canada. (p. 52) Reynolds, J.W., 2003 (September) [paper in English; no abstract].

(9) Premières mentions de vers de terre (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) dans deux écosystèmes forestiers du Bouclier canadien, Québec, Canada. (pp. 53-60) Moore, J.-D. and J.W. Reynolds, 2003 (December) [paper in French, with abstracts in English and French].

(10) A checklist and distribution of the freshwater and terrestrial Annelida (Oligochaeta, Hirudinea and Polychaeta) of Bangladesh. (pp. 61-70) Das, B.C. and J.W. Reynolds, 2003 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, Bangla, and French].

(11) Terrestrial Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) in North America north of Mexico. (pp. 71-98) Reynolds, J.W. and M.J. Wetzel, 2004 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(12) Additional earthworm records (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) from South Carolina, USA. (pp. 99-110) Reynolds, J.W. and W.K. Reeves, 2004 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

Index Volume 9 (2002-2004). (pp. 111-112) Reynolds J.W., 2004 (March). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 10, 2004–2007
Issue #
(1) Earthworm records from different parts of Anatolia. Anadolu’uun farkli bölgelerinden topraksolucani Kayitlari. (pp.1-4) Misirlioğlu, İ.M. 2004 (April) [paper in English; abstracts in Turkish, English, and Greek].

(2) Nuevos registros de las Grandes Carreras VI-VIII Mundiales de Lombrices de Tierra desde Nuevo León (México). (pp. 5-11) Reynolds, J.W. and D.W. Reynolds, 2004 (April) [paper in Spanish; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(3) More earthworm (Lumbricidae) collections from Nunavut, Canada. (pp. 13-14). Reynolds, J.W., 2004 (April) [paper in English; no abstract].

Nuevos registros de lombrices de tierra (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae) de la República Dominicana. (pp. 14-16) Reynolds, J.W. and D.W. Reynolds, 2004 (April) [paper in Spanish; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(4) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Ocnerodrilidae) of Bermuda. (pp. 17-26). Reynolds, J.W. and C. Fragoso, 2004 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish].

Las Grandes Carrreras X-XII Mundiales de lombrices de tierra y experiencias adicionales de aprendizaje. (pp. 27-28). Reynolds, J.W. and D.W. Reynolds, 2004 (July) [paper in Spanish; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(5) Additional earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from Colorado, USA. (pp. 29-37). Damoff, G.A. and J.W. Reynolds, 2004 (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish]

(6) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae, Megascolecidae and Octochaetidae) and terrestrial polychaaetes (Polychaeta: Nereididae) of Grand Cayman Island, with notes on their natural enemies. (pp. 39-41). Reeves, W.K. and J.W. Reynolds, 2004 (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English and Spanish]

Book Review. ”Schmelz, R.M. 2003. Taxonomy of Fridericia (Oligochaeta, Enchytraeidae): revision of species with morphological and biochemical methods. Abhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (Neue Folge) (Editor: Otto Kraus) No. 38. 415 pp.+ 73 figures. ISBN 3-931374-40-8.” (pp. 41-46). Anonymous, 2004 (October) [paper in English; no abstract].

(7) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of Tristan da Cunha and Nightengale Islands, South Atlantic Ocean. (pp. 47-56). Reynolds, J.W., and C. Hänel, 2005 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, Spanish, and French]

(8) Checklist of Oligochaeta of Tamil Nadu, India. (pp. 57-68). Kathireswari, P., J. M. Julka, and J. W. Reynolds, 2005 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, Tamil, Spanish, French, and Hindi].

(9) On a new species of earthworm genus Eutyphoeus (Octochaetidae: Oligochaeta) from Mizoram, India. (pp. 69-72). Julka, J.M., S.N. Ramanujam, and H. Lalthanzara, 2005 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, Hindi, Spanish, and French].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Eutyphoeus mizoramensis Julka, Ramanujam & Lalthanzara, 2005 – sp. nov.}

Book review. “Paoletti, M.G. 2005. Ecological implications of minilivestock – potential of insects, rodents, frogs and snails.” (pp. 73-74). Reynolds, J.W., 2005 (December) [paper in English; no abstract].

(10) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, and Lumbriculidae) of the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic Ocean. (pp. 75-86). Reynolds, J.W., and A.G. Jones, 2006 (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English, Spanish, and French].

(11) Sobre algunas lombrices de tierra (Oligochaeta) de Honduras, C.A. (pp. 87-91). Reynolds, J.W., and D.W. Reynolds, 2006 (November) [paper in Spanish; abstracts in English, Spanish, and French].

A note on some earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) fro the Commonwealth of Dominica. (pp. 91-93). Reeves, W.K., and J.W. Reynolds, 2006 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish].

(12) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of South Dakota, USA. (pp. 95-105). Reynolds, J.W., 2007 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish].

Index Volume 10 (2004-2007). (pp. 105-106). Reynolds J.W., 2007. (February). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 11, 2007–2008
Issue #
(1) Autofluorescence in earthworm setae. (pp. 1-3). McManus, S.A., 2007 (March) [abstracts in English and Spanish; with 1 colour plate].

A preliminary survey of the oligochaete fauna of the Yukon Territory, Canada. (pp. 3-7). Teale, C.L., 2007 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English and French].

(2) Earthworm diversity from Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil, with a new native criodrilid genus and species (Oligochaeta: Criodrilidae). (pp. 9-18). Lima, A.C.R. de, and C. Rodríguez, 2007 (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English, Portuguese, Dutch, and Spanish; with 1 colour plate].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Guarani camaqua Rodriguez & Lima, 2007 – gen. nov., sp. nov.}

Primeros registros de lombrices de tierra (Oligochaeta) para la Provincia de Espaillat, República Dominicana. (pp. 19-20). Reynolds, J.W., and D.W. Reynolds, 2007 (April) [paper in Spanish; abstracts in English and Spanish].

(3) The great global earthworm race goes to Japan. (pp. 21-28). Reynolds, J.W., and D.W. Reynolds, 2007 (June) [paper in English and Japanese; abstracts in English, Japanese, French, and Spanish; with 3 colour plates].

(4) Native and introduced earthworms (Oligochaeta) of British Columbia, Canada. (pp. 29-52). Marshall, V.G. and W.M. Fender, 2007 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish].

(5) Enchytraeidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta) in amber. (pp. 53-57). Poinar, G.O., Jr., 2007 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish].

First earthworm (Annelida: Clitellata: Lumbricidae) records from Wentworth Township, Argenteuil County, Quebec, Canada. Premier signalements de Lombrics dans le Canton de Wentworth, Comté d’Argenteuil (Québec), Canada. (pp. 58-62). Reynolds, J.W. 2007 (September) [paper in English and French; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish].

(6) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) of New Jersey, USA. (pp. 63-72). Reynolds, J.W. 2007 (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 2 colour plates].

(7) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, and Megascolecidae) of West Virginia, USA. (pp. 73-84). Reynolds, J.W. 2007 (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 2 colour plates].

(8) Earthworm (Annelida: Oligochaeta) fauna of Kerala, India: 1. Some species from Thiruvananthapuram Corporation. (pp. 85-90). Nair, K.V., J. Manazhy, A. Manazhy, and J.W. Reynolds. 2007 (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Hindi, Malayalam, and Tamil; with 1 colour plate].

(9) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, and Sparganophilidae) of Ohio, USA revisited. (pp. 91-105). Reynolds, J.W. 2007 (November) [paper in English, with abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 2 colour plates].

(10) Two new species of the earthworm genus Balanteodrilus (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae) from eastern Mexico. (pp. 107-114). Fragoso, C., and P. Rojas. 2007 (December). [paper in English, with abstracts in English, French, and Spanish].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Balanteodrilus psammophilus Fragoso & Rojas, 2007 – sp. nov., and Balanteodrilus extremus Fragoso & Rojas, 2007 – sp. nov.}

(11) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) of Arkansas, USA, revisited. (pp. 115-130). Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 3 colour plates].

(12) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) of Pennsylvania, USA. (pp. 131-146). Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Dutch, and Spanish; with 3 colour plates].

Index Volume 11 (2007-2008). (pp. 28-29). Reynolds J.W., 2008. (April). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 12, 2008
Issue #
(1) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) of New York, USA, revisited. (pp. 1-17) Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 3 colour plates].

(2) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of Vermont, USA. (pp. 19-27). Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 3 colour plates].

(3) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Lutodrilidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) of Louisiana, USA, revisited. (pp. 31-60). Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 3 colour plates].

(4) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, and Megascolecidae) of Maine, USA. (pp. 61-72). Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 4 colour plates].

(5) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) of Kentucky, USA. (pp. 73-88). Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 5 colour plates].

(6) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, and Megascolecidae) of Missouri, USA, revisited. (pp. 89-104). Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 6 colour plates].

(7) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) of Utah, USA. (pp. 105-115). Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 6 colour plates].

(8) First record of earthworms Perionyx ceylanensis and Eukerria kuekenthali (Annelida: Oligochaeta) from mainland India. (pp. 117-120). Kathireswari, P., and J.M. Julka. 2008 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].

Biodiversity of earthworm species of Coimbatore Forest Division, The Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India. (pp. 120-124). Kathireswari, P., J.M. Julka, and R. Jeyaraj. 2008 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].

(9) Sparganophilidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta) distribution in North America and elsewhere, revisited. (pp. 125-143). Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 31 colour plate].

(10) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of New Hampshire, USA. (pp. 145-153). Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (October). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 4 colour plates].

(11) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Ocnerodrilidae) of Arizona, USA. (pp. 155-166). Reynolds, J.W. 2008 (November). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 7 colour plates].

(12) Terrestrial Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) in North America, including Mexico, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Bermuda. (pp. 157-208). Reynolds, J.W., and M.J. Wetzel 2008 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish].

Index Volume 12 (2008). (pp. 209-210). Reynolds J.W., 2008. (December). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 13, 2009–2010
Issue #
(1) Biology of cocoons of five species of earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) from Kerala, India. (pp. 1-8). Nair, K.V., J. Manazhy, A. Manazhy, and J.W. Reynolds 2009 (February). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Hindi; with 12 colour plates].

(2) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of Montana, USA, revisited. (pp. 9-20). Reynolds, J.W. 2009 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 6 colour plates].

(3) Current checklist of terrestrial Turkish earthworms (Oligochaeta). (pp. 21-24). Misirlioğlu, M. 2009 (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, Turkish, French, and Spanish].

(4) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of Wyoming, USA, revisited. (pp. 25-35). Reynolds, J.W., W.K. Reeves, and R.M. Spence 2009 (May). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 3 colour plates].

(5) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae and Lumbricidae) of New Mexico, USA. (pp. 37-52). Reynolds, J.W. and G.A. Damoff 2009 (July). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Navajo; with 8 colour plates].

(6) Species distribution maps for Gates’ Burmese Earthworms and current nomenclatural usage. (pp. 53-83). Reynolds, J.W. 2009 (September). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Burmese, Chinese, Lao, Thai, Bangla, and Hindi; with 6 colour plates].

(7) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae, and Sparganophilidae) of Georgia, USA. (pp. 85-111). Reynolds, J.W., 2009 (September). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 2 colour plates].

(8) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae, and Spargnaophilidae) of East Texas, USA. (pp. 113-140). Damoff, G.A. and J.W. Reynolds 2009 (October). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish; with 4 colour plates].

(9) A new ocnerodrilid earthworm genus from southeastern Mexico (Annelida: Oligochaeta), with a key for the genera of Ocnerodrilidae. (pp. 141-152). Fragoso, C. and P. Rojas. 2009 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Chacdrilus Fragoso & Rojas, 2009 – gen. nov.; Chacdrilus veracruzensis Fragoso & Rojas, 2009 – sp. nov.; Chacdrilus lamnaparvus Fragoso & Rojas, 2009 – sp. nov.}

(10) A comparative study on the morphology of coelomocytes in four species of megascolecid earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta). (pp. 153-160). Manazhy, A., V. Nair, J. Manazhy, and J.W. Reynolds. 2010 (February). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish and Hindi; with 19 colour plates].

(11) The Great Global Earthworm Race goes to southern India. (pp. 161-172). Reynolds, J.W., J. Manazhy, A. Manazhy, and V. Nair. 2010 (April). [paper in English and Malayalam; abstracts in English, French, Spanish and Malayalam; with 6 colour plates].

(12) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) of Oklahoma, USA. (pp. 173-193). Reynolds, J.W. and G.A. Damoff. 2010 (May). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 9 colour plates].

Index Volume 13 (2009-2010). (pp. 194-195). Reynolds J.W., 2010. (May). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 14, 2010–2011
Issue #
(1) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) of Quebec, Canada, revisited. (pp. 1-47). Reynolds, J.W. 2010 (June). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 4 colour plates].

(2) The Great Global Earthworm Race goes to Dubai, U.A.E. (pp. 49-53). Reynolds, J.W. and D.W. Reynolds 2010 (July). [paper in English; abstracts in English, Arabic, Urdu, French, and Spanish; with 1 colour plate].

(3) A new genus of earthworm (Oligochaeta: Almidae) from Kerala, India. (pp. 53-58). Nair, K.V., J. Manazhy, A. Manazhy, and J.W. Reynolds 2010 (August). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 1 colour plate].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Progizzardus Nair, 2010 – gen. nov.; Progizzardus varadiamensis Nair, 2010 – sp. nov.}

(4) Earthworm species available to American woodcock (Scolopax minor) on the wintering grounds in eastern North Carolina, USA. (pp. 59-64). Blackman, E.B., J.W. Reynolds, C.S. DePerno, C.E. Moorman, and M.N. Peterson 2010 (August). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 1 colour plate].

(5) Checklist of earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) from Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka South West India. (pp. 65-75). Siddaraju, M., K.S. Sreepada, and J.W. Reynolds, 2010 (September). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Kannada; with 5 colour plates].

The first earthworm (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) record from the Republic of the Marshall Islands. (pp. 75-76). Reeves, W.K. and J.W. Reynolds, 2010 (September). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Marshallese; with 1 colour plate].

(6) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of Nova Scotia, Canada, revisited. (pp. 77-100). Reynolds, J.W. 2010 (October). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Gaelic; with 1 colour plate].

(7) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) of northeastern United States, revisited. (pp. 101-157). Reynolds, J.W., 2010 (November). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Italian; with 4 colour plates].

(8) More earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) from Colorado, USA. (pp. 159-172). Reynolds, J.W. and G.A. Damoff, 2011 (January). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish].

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae and Lumbricidae) from Nebraska, USA. (pp. 172-174). Damoff, G.A., 2011 (January). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish].

(9-12) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Lutodrilidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae, Octochaetidae and Sparganophilidae) of southeastern United States. (pp. 175-318). Reynolds, J.W., 2011 (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Hungarian, and Spanish; with 5 colour plates].

Index Volume 14 (2010-2011). (pp. 319-320). Reynolds J.W., 2011 (April). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 15, 2011–2013
Issue #
(1) Sensitivity to lead in two species of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae). (pp. 1-8). Manazhy, A., J. Manazhy, K.V. Nair and J.W. Reynolds. 2011 (September). [paper in English; abstracts in English, Malayalam, French, and Spanish, with 1 colour plate].

New species of earthworm from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Union Territory, India. (pp. 9-14). Manazhy, J.A. Manazhy, K.V. Nair, J.W. Reynolds and O.V. Oommen. 2011 (September). [ paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish, with 3 colour plates].
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Moniligaster ivaniosi Jaya Manazhy, 2011 – sp. nov.}

(2) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of the University of Guelph Arboretum, Ontario, Canada. (pp. 15-20). Reynolds, J.W. 2011 (October). [paper in English; abstracts in English, Spanish, Greek, and French, with 7 colour plates].

Book review. “Hale, Cindy. 2007. Earthworms of the Great Lakes.” (pp. 21-22). Reynolds, J.W., 2011 (October). [paper in English; no abstract].

(3) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of Pelee Island, Ontario, Canada. (pp. 23-33). Reynolds, J.W. 2011 (November). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Polish, with 2 colour plates].

(4) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) of Illinois, USA. (pp. 35-67). Reynolds, J.W. and M.J. Wetzel, 2011 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German, with 5 colour plates].

(5) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) of the midwest United States. (pp. 69-139). Reynolds, J.W. 2011 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Swedish, and Spanish, with 5 colour plates].

(6) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) of Dutchess County, New York, USA. (pp. 141-150). Rodríguez, A.R., R.S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing, and J.W. Reynolds. 2012 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish].

(7) The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) of North-central, USA. (pp. 151-187). Reynolds, J.W. 2012 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Danish, with 9 colour plates].

New earthworm (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) records from Vermont, USA. (pp. 187-190). Reynolds, J.W. 2012 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Filipino (= Tagalog)].

(8) Terrestrial Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) in North America, including Mexico, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Bermuda. III. (pp. 191-211). Reynolds, J.W. and M.J. Wetzel. 2012 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Estonian].

The introduction of exotic earthworms by European colonists. Impact on agriculture and forestry: the earthworm invasion. (pp. 212-214). Archer, K.L. 2012 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 1 colour plate].

(9) An alternative method for testing toxicity of xenobiotics in tropical earthworms (Oligochaeta: Almidae, Megascolecidae). (pp. 215-218). Manazhy, A., J. Manazhy, K.V. Nair and J.W. Reynolds (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French and Spanish].

(10) Evaluación preliminiar de dos tipos de dieta en la especie endogea Aporrectodea trapezoides (Dugès, 1828) (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). (pp. 219-226). Masin, C.E. y A.R. Rodríguez (August [September]) [paper in Spanish; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish].

(11) The status of terrestrial earthworm (Oligochaeta) surveys in North America and some Caribbean countries. (pp. 227-249). Reynolds, J.W. 2012 (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Serbian, and Romanian; with 1 colour plate].

(12) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae and Lumbricidae) associated with Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant, Travis County, Texas, USA. (pp. 251-265). Damoff, G.A., P. Hamlett, A. Grubh, V.L. Jin, M.-V.V. Johnson, J.G. Arnold, and L. Fries. 2013 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with 3 colour plates].

Index Volume 15 (2011-2013). (pp. 266-267). Reynolds J.W., 2013 (May). [index in English; no abstracts].

Volume 16, 2014
Issue #
(1) Use of coelomocytes as biomarkers for ecotoxicological assessment. (pp. 1-8). Manazhy, A., J. Manazhy, K. Vijayakumaran Nair, and J. W. Reynolds. 2014 (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Malayalam; with 8 colour plates].

(2) Mortality pattern relative to size variation within Amynthas agrestis (Gotto & Hatai 1899) (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) populations in the Champlain Valley of Vermont, USA. (pp. 9-14). Görres, J.H, R.D.S. Melnichuk, and K. Bellitürk 2014 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 1 colour plate].

(3) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Megasciolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Spargamophilidae) in South Carolina, USA. (pp. 15-28). Reynolds, J.W. 2014 (April) [paper in English: abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Turkish; with 2 colour plates].

(4) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in Wyoming, USA. (pp. 29-36). Reynolds, J.W. 2014 (May) [paper in English: abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Irish; with 2 colour plates].

(5) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) in Colorado, USA. (pp. 37-48). Reynolds, J.W. 2014 (May) [paper in English: abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Croatian; with 1 colour plate].

(6) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Pennsylvania, USA. (pp. 49-67). Reynolds, J.W. 2014 (June) [paper in English: abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Czech; with 2 colour plates].

(7) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) invade lawn bowling greens in the Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada. (pp. 69-76). Reynolds, J.W. 2014 (June) [paper in English: abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese; with 8 colour plates].

(8) A checklist by parishes of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Lutodrilidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Louisiana, USA. (pp. 77-94). Reynolds, J.W. 2014 (June) [paper in English: abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Korean; with 2 colour plates].

(9) A checklist of the earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Arkansas, USA. (pp. 95-110). Reynolds, J.W. 2014 (July) [paper in English: abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Ukranian; with one colour plate].

(10) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Ontario, Canada. (pp. 111-135). Reynolds, J.W. 2014 (August) [paper in English: abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Ojibway; with two colour plates].

(11) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Canadian Maritime Provinces. (pp. 137-156). Reynolds, J.W. 2014 (September) [paper in English: abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Gaelic; with two colour plates].

(12) Bioconcentration of Lead in the earthworm, Lampito mauritii, under laboratory and field conditions.. (pp. 157-162). Manazhy, A., J. Manazhy, K.V. Nair, J.W. Reynolds 2014 (October) [paper in English: abstracts in English, Malayalam, French, and Spanish; with two colour plates].

Index Volume 16 (2014). (pp. 163-164) Reynolds, J.W. (October) [paper in English: no abstract].

Volume 17, 2014–2015
Issue #
(1) Earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) occurrences from Anticosti Island (Québec), Canada. (pp. 1-6). Reynolds, J.W., D.F. McAlpine, K.J. Vanderwolf and H.M. Huynk 2014 (October) [paper in English: abstracts in English, French, and Spanish; with eight colour plates].

(2) Failure of an Amynthas agrestis (Goto & Hatai, 1899) (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) population to expand its range within a sugar maple (Acer saccharum) stand. (pp. 7-13) Görres, J., K. Bellitürk and E. Keller 2014 (October) [paper in English: abstracts in English, Turkish, German, French, and Spanish].

(3) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in New York, USA. (pp. 15-30) Reynolds, J.W. 2014 (November) [paper in English: abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Bulgarian; with two colour plates].

(4) A checklist by Counties of Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae, Octochaetidae and Sparganophilidae) in Florida, USA. (pp. 31-50). Reynolds, J.W. 2014 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Basque; with two colour plates].

(5) A checklist by Counties of Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Michigan, USA. (pp. 51-72). Reynolds, J.W. and M.J. Wetzel. 2014 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Finnish; with two colour plates]

(6) A checklist by Counties of Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Quebec, Canada. (pp. 73-103). Reynolds, J.W. 2014. (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Norwegian, 2 colour plates].

(7) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in Nevada, USA. (pp. 105-112) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (February). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Slovakian; one colour plate]

(8) Reynolds, J.W. 2015. A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, USA. (pp. 113-123) Reynolds, J.W., 2015 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Slovenian, 2 colour plates]

(9) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the states of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, USA. (pp. 125-140) Reynolds, J.W., J.H. Görres and M.E. Knowles 2015 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, 2 colour plates].

(10) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) in western and northern Canada. (pp. 141-156) Reynolds, J.W. 2015. (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Icelandic; with 2 colour plates].

(11) Achecklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in North and South Dakota, USA. (pp. 157-178) Reynolds, J.W. 2015. (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates].

(12) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in New Jersey, USA. (pp. 179-188) Reynolds, J.W. 2015. (May). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates].

Index Volume 17 (2014-2015). (pp. 189-190) Reynolds, J.W. (October) [paper in English: no abstract].

Volume 18, 2015
Issue #
(1) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Ohio, USA. (pp. 1-20) Reynolds, J.W. 2015. (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates].

(2) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in West Virginia, USA. (pp. 21-35) Reynolds, J.W. 2015. (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 1 colour plate].

(3) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Missouri, USA. (pp. 37-55) Reynolds, J.W. 2015. (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates].

(4) A Checklist by Counties of Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Delaware and District of Columbia, USA. (pp. 57-71) Reynolds, J.W. 2015. (June). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German; with 2 colour plates].

(5) A Checklist by Counties of Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Virginia, USA. (pp. 73-97) Reynolds, J.W. 2015. (July). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German; with 2 colour plates].

(6) Contributions to the earthworm fauna of Turkey. (pp. 99-102) Misirlioğlu, İ.M. and T. Szederjesi. 2015. (July). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Turkish and Hungarian].

(7) A Checklist by Counties of Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, and Ocnerodrilidae) in Arizona and New Mexico, USA. (pp. 103-115) Reynolds, J.W. 2015. (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Navajo; with 1 colour plate].

(8) A Checklist by Counties of Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae) in Utah, USA. (pp. 117-126) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, German, Spanish; with 1 colour plate].

(9) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in Montana, USA. (pp. 127-140) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates].

(10) A Checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae, and Sparganophilidae) in Oregon, USA. (pp. 141-156) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, German, and Spanish; with 2 colour plates].

(11) A Checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, and Megascolecidae) in Minnesota, USA. (pp. 157-176) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, German, and Spanish; with 2 colour plates].

(12) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the state of Washington, USA. (pp. 177-189) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (September). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates].

Index Volume 18 (2015). (pp.190-191) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (September). [paper in English, no abstract].

Volume 19, 2015–2016
Issue #
(1) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of the Nepisiguit Protected Natural Area and region, New Brunswick, with additions to the province. (pp. 1-10) Reynolds, J.W., A.J. Hasson and D.F. McAlpine. 2015 (October). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 3 colour plates].

(2) Earthworms of the Families Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae in the collections of the Virginia Museum of Natural History. (pp. 11-22) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (October). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; no colour plates].

(3) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Alabama, USA. (pp. 23-40) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (November). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with 2 colour plates].

(4) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in Mississippi, USA. (pp. 41-60) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (November). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with 2 colour plates].

(5) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in North Carolina, USA. (pp. 61-84) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (November). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with 2 colour plates].

(6) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in Georgia, USA. (pp. 85-114) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, German and Spanish, with 2 colour plates].

(7) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae, Octochaetidae) in Hawaii, USA. (pp. 123-145) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Hawaiian and Spanish, with 2 colour plates].

(8) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Indiana, USA. (pp. 115-122) Reynolds, J.W. 2015 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Hawaiian and Spanish, with 2 colour plates].

(9) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) in Kentucky, USA. (pp. 147-166) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (January). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates]

(10) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) in Oklahoma, USA. (pp. 167-184) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (February). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates]

(11) A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Tennessee, USA. (pp. 185-215) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (March). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates]

(12) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Acadian Plains and Hills Ecoregion (82), USA. (pp. 217-221) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Northeastern Highlands Ecoregion (58), USA. (pp. 222-231) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates]

Index Volume 19 (2015-2016). (pp. 232-233) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (April). [paper in English, no abstract].

Volume 20, 2016
Issue #
(1) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Northeastern Coastal Zone Ecoregion (59), USA. (pp. 1-8) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 3 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Atlantic Coastal Pine Barrens Ecoregion (84), USA. (pp. 9-15) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 3 colour plates]

(2) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain Ecoregion (73), USA. (pp. 17-27) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Lutodrilidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Mississippi Valley Loess Plains Ecoregion (74), USA. (pp. 28-36) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 4 colour plates]

(3) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Lutodrilidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Southern Coastal Plain Ecoregion (75), USA. (pp. 37-45) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (May). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Octochaetidae) in the Southern Florida Coastal Plain Ecoregion (76), USA. (pp. 46-50) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (May). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 4 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain Ecoregion (63), USA. (pp. 51-61) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (May). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 9 colour plates]

(4) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Lake Agassiz Plain Ecoregion (48), USA. (pp. 63-67) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (May). [Paper in English, abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Huron/Erie Lake Plains Ecoregion (57), USA. (pp. 68-73) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (May). [Paper in English, abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with 4 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Northern Minnesota Wetlands Ecoregion (49), USA. (pp. 74-78) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (May) [Paper in English, abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with two colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, and Megascolecidae) in the North Central Hardwood Forests Ecoregion (51), USA. (pp. 79-83) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (May) [Paper in English, abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with 3 colour plates]

(5) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Erie Drift Plain Ecoregion (61), USA. (pp. 85-90) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (May) [Paper in English, abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with 4 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the North Central Appalachians Ecoregion (62), USA. (pp. 91-96) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (May). [Paper in English, abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with 5 colour plates]

(6) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Northern Appalachian Plateau and Uplands Ecoregion (60), USA. (pp. 97-103) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (June). [Paper in English, abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with 6 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Eastern Great Lakes and Hudson Lowlands Ecoregion (83), USA. (pp. 104-111) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (June). [Paper in English, abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with 4 colour plates]

(7) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Ouachita Mountains Ecoregion (36), USA. (pp. 113-118) Reynolds, J.W. (June). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, and Megascolecidae) in the Arkansas Valley Ecoregion (37), USA. (pp.119-124) Reynolds, J.W. (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 3 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Boston Mountains Ecoregion (38), USA. (pp. 125-129) Reynolds, J.W. (June). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 4 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Ozark Highlands Ecoregion (39), USA. (pp. 130-136) Reynolds, J.W. (June). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

(8) Distribution, ecology and zoogeography of the genus Fitzingeria (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). (pp. 137-143) Misirlioğlu, M. and H. Valchovski (July). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Bulgarian]

(9) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Coast Range Ecoregion (1), USA. (pp. 145-154) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 6 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Puget Lowland Ecoregion (2), USA. (pp. 155-161) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 3 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Willamette Valley Ecoregion (3), USA. (pp. 162-169) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 6 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Cascades Ecoregion (4), USA. (pp. 170-177) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 4 colour plates]

(10) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion (10), USA. (pp. 179-186) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 7 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Blue Mountains Ecoregion (11), USA. (pp. 186-190) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

(11) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Central Corn Belt Plains Ecoregion (54), USA. (pp. 191-197) Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 4 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Northern Rockies Ecoregion (15), USA. (pp. 198-204) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the North Cascades Ecoregion (77), USA. (pp. 205-211) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 4 colour plates]

(12) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Wyoming Basin Ecoregion (18), USA. (pp. 213-219) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 7 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Colorado Plateaus Ecoregion (20), USA. (pp. 220-225) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 6 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Arizona/New Mexico Plateau Ecoregion (22), USA. (pp. 226-230) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae and Lumbricidae) in the Arizona/New Mexico Mountains Ecoregion (23), USA. (pp. 231-235) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 7 colour plates]

Index Volume 20 (2016). (pp. 236-239) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (August). [paper in English, no abstract]

Volume 21, 2016–2017
Issue #
(1) Studies on the Biology and ecology of earthworms collected from Urban and Suburban areas of Thrissur District, Kerala, India. (pp. 1-8) Athira, C.S., B.C. Athira, J. James, K. Sivaraman, K.S. Kavya, B.V.B. Midhuna, K.B. Rajaneesh, P.G. Remya, T. Roshini, P.M.D. Vishnu, A. Manazhy, J. Manazhy and J.W. Reynolds 2016 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and Malayalam; with 2 colour plates]

(2) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of the Elveden Forest Center Parcs, Suffolk County, England. (pp. 9-20) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Maltese, Polish, and Portuguese; with 26 colour plates]

(3) Reynolds, J.W. 2016. Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Middle Rockies Ecoregion (17), USA. (pp. 21-26) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 7 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Southern Rockies Ecoregion (21), USA. (pp. 27-33) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 8 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Wasatch and Uinta Mountains Ecoregion (19), USA. (pp. 34-39) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Canadian Rockies Ecoregion (41), USA. (pp. 40-44) Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 4 colour plates]

(4) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Central Irregular Plains Ecoregion (40), USA. (pp. 45-52). Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 4 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Northern Basin and Range Ecosystem (80), USA. (pp. 53-57). Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Eastern Cascades Slopes and Foothills Ecoregion (9), USA. (pp. 58-62). Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 3 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae and Lumbricidae) in the Mojave Basin and Range Ecoregion (14), USA. (pp. 63-66). Reynolds, J.W. 2016 (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 3 colour plates]

(5) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Klamath Mountains/California High North Ecoregion (78), USA. (pp. 67-72). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 6 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Central California Foothills and Coastal Mountains Ecoregion (6), USA. (pp. 73-78). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 10 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Ocnerodrilidae) in the Central California Valley Ecoregion (7), USA. (pp. 79-84). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 8 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Ocnerodrilidae) in the Southern California Mountains Ecoregion (8), USA. (pp. 85-90). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

(6) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Sierra Nevada Ecoregion (5), USA. (pp. 91-97). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 8 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Idaho Batholith Ecoregion (16), USA. (pp. 98-103). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 4 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Cook Inlet Ecoregion (115), USA. (pp. 104-110). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, and Lithuanian; with 6 colour plates]

(7) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Northern Piedmont Ecoregion (64), USA. (pp. 111-118). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Lutodrilidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Southeastern Plains Ecoregion (65), USA. (pp. 119-134). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 4 colour plates]

(8) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Ocnerodrilidae) in the Southern California/Northern Baja Coast Ecoregion (85), USA. (pp. 135-139). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German; with 3 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae and Lumbricidae) in the Madrean Archipelago Ecoregion (79), USA. (pp. 140-145). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 7 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Ocnerodrilidae) in the Sonoran Basin and Range Ecoregion (81), USA. (pp. 146-150). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Ocnerodrilidae) in the Chihuahuan Deserts Ecoregion (24), USA. (pp. 151-155). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 9 colour plates]

(9) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Northern Great Lakes Forests Ecoregion (50), USA. (pp. 157-163). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Northern Glaciated Plains Ecoregion (46), USA. (pp. 164-169). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 7 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Central Basin and Range Ecoregion (13), USA. (pp. 170-175). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German; with 11 colour plates]

(10) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Flint Hills Ecoregion (28), USA. (pp. 177-182). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 6 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Cross Timbers Ecoregion (29), USA. (pp. 183-189). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 7 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Western Corn Belt Ecoregion (47), USA. (pp. 190-197). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 9 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Central Great Plains Ecoregion (27), USA. (pp. 198-204). Reynolds, J.W. 2016. (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 6 colour plates]

Diversity and new records of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Annelida) from Haryana, a constituent of Trans Gangetic Plains, India. (pp. 205-209). Garg, N. and J.M. Julka, 2016 (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish]

(11) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Snake River Plain Ecoregion (12), USA. (pp. 211-216). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 4 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae and Lumbricidae) in the High Plains Ecoregion (25), USA. (pp. 217-224). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 11 colour and one gray-scale plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Southwestern Tablelands Ecoregion (26), USA. (pp. 225-230). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 7 colour plates]

(12) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Pacific Coastal Mountains Ecoregion (119), USA. (pp. 231-236). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Latvian, with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Coastal Western Hemlock-Sitka Spruce Forests Ecoregion (120), USA. (pp. 237-243). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Welsh, with 5 colour plates]

Index Volume 21 (2016-2017). (pp. 244-247). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (January) [paper in English, no abstract]

Volume 22, 2017
Issue #
(1) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Eastern Corn Belt Plains Ecoregion (55), USA. (pp. 1–9). Reynolds, J.W. 2017 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Southern Michigan / Northern Indiana Drift Plains Ecoregion (56), USA. (pp. 10–15). Reynolds, J.W. 2017 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 7 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) in the Western Allegheny Plateau Ecoregion (70), USA. (pp. 16–23). Reynolds, J.W. 2017 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 7 colour plates]

First record of exotic earthworm Dichogaster saliens (Beddard) (Oligochaeta: Octochaetidae) from Western Himalaya, India. (pp. 24–27). Kumari, S., J.M. Julka and J.W. Reynolds (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, Hindi, French, Spanish, German]

(2) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Northwestern Great Plains Ecoregion (43), USA. (pp. 29–34). Reynolds, J.W. 2017 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the South Central Plains Ecoregion (35), USA. (pp. 35–45). Reynolds, J.W. 2017 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 8 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the Northwestern Glaciated Plains Ecoregion (42), USA. (pp. 46-51). Reynolds, J.W. 2017 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Central Appalachians Ecoregion (69), USA. (pp. 52–60). Reynolds, J.W. 2017 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

(3) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Interior Plateau Ecoregion (71), USA. (pp. 61–70). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Interior Rivers Valleys and Hills Ecoregion (72), USA. (pp. 71–79). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 3 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Edwards Plateau Ecoregion (30), USA. (pp. 80–85). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 4 colour plates]

(4) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Piedmont Ecoregion (45), USA. (pp. 87–97). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Blue Ridge Ecoregion (66), USA. (pp, 98–109). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 6 colour plates]

(5) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Ridge and Valley Ecoregion (67), USA. (pp. 111–123). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (May). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 7 colour plates]

Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the Southwestern Appalachians Ecoregion (68), USA. (pp. 124–130). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 3 colour plates]

Lampito mauritii (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) first earthworm record for Sharjah, U.A.E. (pp. 131–134). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates]

(6) Genetic structure of two invasive earthworms, Amynthas agrestis and Amynthas tokioensis (Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae), and a molecular method for species identification. (pp. 140–149). Keller, E.L., J.H. Görres and J.J. Schall. 2017. (June) [paper in English, abstracts in English, French, Spanish and German, with one colour plate]

(7) First record of exotic earthworm, Amynthas hupeiensis (Michaelsen, 1895) (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae), from India. (pp. 151–154). Ahmed, S. and J.M. Julka. 2017. (July) [paper in English, abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German]

(8) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of “The Broads” [in] Norfolk and Suffolk Counties, England. (pp. 151–156). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German, with 5 colour plates]

The First Earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) Records from the Îles aux Basques, Quebec, Canada). (pp. 157–159). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (August) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German, with 2 colour plates]

(9) A Summary of the status of Earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) in Ecoregions of the United States. (pp. 161–200). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, German, Spanish, Albanian, Indonesian, and Georgian; with 3 colour plates]

(10) Preliminary Key to North American Megadriles (Annelida, Oligochaeta), based on external characters, insofar as possible. (pp. 201–219). The late Gates, G.E. and J.W. Reynolds. 2017. (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Catalan; 4 colour plates]

(11) Not all lumbricid earthworm invasions in North America have been successful! (pp. 121–128 [sic]). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Esperanto, Macedonian, and Indonesian] Note: page numbering on this issue is incorrect {as ‘121–128’}; page numbers should be 221–228.

(12) Diplocardia deborahae, a new earthworm species (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae) from eastern Tennessee, USA. (pp. 229–237). Damoff, G.A. and Reynolds. 2017. (December) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, and German]
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Diplocardia deborahae Damoff & Reynolds, 2017 – sp. nov.}

Index Volume 22. (pp. 238–240). Reynolds, J.W. 2017. (December) [paper in English, no abstract]

Volume 23, 2018
Issue #
(1) First earthworm (Annelida: Oligochaeta) species’ collections in Canada and the Continental United States. (pp. 1–50) Reynolds, J.W. 2018 (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Swahili, and Kurdish]

(2) New record of an earthworm in the Family Glossoscolecidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta) from Sikkim, India. (pp. 51–56). Subedi, H.P., R.M. Saxena and J.W. Reynolds. 2018 (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, and Nepali, with 12 colour plates]

(3) Diversity of earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) in Konni, a part of the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. (pp. 57-68). Sathrumithra, S., S.P. Narayanan, R. Anuja, P. Kurian, A.P. Thomas, J.M. Julka and J.W. Reynolds. 2018 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Malayalam, with 3 colour plates]

(4) New records of earthworm species Amynthas morrisi, Perioynx himalayanus and Perioynx jorpokriensis (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from Sikkim, India. (pp. 69–77). Subedi, H.P., R.M. Saxena and J.W. Reynolds. 2018 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Nepali, Spanish, German, with 22 colour plates]

(5) Megadrile earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) around UDUPI Power Corporation Limited (UPCL), Udupi District, Karnataka, south-west coast of India. (pp. 79–91). Harish Kumar, T.S., K.S. Sreepada, S.P. Narayanan and J.W. Reynolds. 2018 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Kannada, Spanish, German, with 2 colour plates]

(6) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Benzie and Leelanau Counties, Michigan, USA. (pp. 93-100). Reynolds, J.W. and W.K. Reeves. 2018 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 10 colour plates]

(7) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from the Jacquet River Gorge Protected Natural Area, New Brunswick. (pp. 103–107). McAlpine, D.F. and J.W. Reynolds. 2018 (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German with 3 colour plates]

(8) Earthworms of the Canyonlands of the East Frio River Watershed in Real County Texas, USA, including Diplocardia hebi, a new earthworm species (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae). (pp. 109–120). Damoff, G.A. 2018 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 1 colour plate]
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Diplocardia hebi Damoff, 2018 – sp. nov.}

(9) New earthworm (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae and Octochaetidae) records from the Emirate of Dubai, UAE. (pp. 121–128). Reynolds, J.W. 2018 (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, with 10 colour plates]

(10) New earthworm (Oligochaeta: Octochaetidae) records of Dichogaster curgensis and Octochaeta beatrix from Sikkim. (pp. 131–139). Subedi, H.P., R.M. Saxena and J.W. Reynolds. 2018 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Nepali, Spanish, German, with 18 colour plates]

(11) Preliminary key to Turkish Megadriles (Annelida, Clitellata, Oligochaeta), based on external characters, insofar as possible. (pp. 141–160). Reynolds, J.W. and I.M. Misirlioğlu. 2018 (July) [paper in English with some headings and terms in Turkish; abstracts in English, Turkish, French, Spanish, German, with 21 colour plates]

(12) Earthworm (Oligochaeta) Diversity of Kumaum Himalayas, India with first record of Woodland Blue Worm, Octolasion cyaneum (Savigny, 1826), (Lumbricidae). (pp. 161–171). Rajwar, N, S.S. Bisht, V. Singh and J.W. Reynolds. 2018. (September) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Hindi, Spanish, German, with 1 colour plate]

Index Volume 23. (pp. 172–173). Reynolds, J.W. 2018. (September) [paper in English, no abstract]

Volume 24, 2018–2019
Issue #
(1) Preliminary Key to Algerian Megadriles (Annelida, Clitellata, Oligochaeta), based on external characters, insofar as possible. (pp. 1–16). Reynolds, J.W. 2018 (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic; with 10 colour plates]

(2) The first report of Arctiostrotus fontinalis (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) in Canada. (pp. 17–22). Reynolds, J.W., B. Godin and D. Horwood. 2019 (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 4 colour plates]

(3) Earthworms (Oligochaeta) of Tennessee, USA. IV. Megascolecidae, revisited. (pp. 23–38). Reynolds, J.W. 2019 (January) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 4 colour plates]

(4) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of the Nepisiquit Protected Natural Area and region, New Brunswick, with additions from the 2016 collections. (pp.39–49). McAlpine, D.F. and Reynolds, J.W. 2019 (February). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 15 colour plates]

(5) A summary of the status of earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) in Checklists of the United States of America and Canada. (pp. 51–65). Reynolds, J.W. 2019 [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Belarusian, with 2 colour plates]

(6) The first record of Megascolex lawsoni (Bourne, 1886) (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) from the State of Kerala, India. (pp. 67–73). Narayannan, S.P., B. Thomas, P.R. Sreeraj, R. Joseph, S. Sathrumithra, V.T. Kurien, R. Anuja, S. M. Kunnath, J. John, A.P. Thomas, J.M. Julka and J.W. Reynolds. 2019 (March). [paper in English; abstracts in English, Malayalam, Tamil, Spanish, Kannada, French, German; with 6 colour plates]

(7) The earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) of Oklahoma, USA, revisited. (pp. 75–97). Damoff, G.A. and J.W. Reynolds. 2019. (March). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with one colour plate]

(8) Updated list of earthworms (Clitellata, Megadrili) from Turkey. (pp. 99–106). Mısırlıoğlu, İ.M., H. Valchovski and J.W. Reynolds. 2019 (March). [paper in English; abstracts in English, Turkish, French, Bulgarian, Spanish, German]

(9) New earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) records in the United States and Morocco, plus a key to Moroccan earthworms. (pp. 107–127). Reynolds, J.W. and W.K. Reeves. 2019 (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German; with 3 colour plates]

(10) First earthworm (Oligochaeta: Octochaetidae) records from Ras al Khaimah and new record for Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (pp. 129–136). Reynolds, J.W. 2019 (May). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German; with 7 colour plates]

(11) A survey of earthworm diversity in different land use types in Mid Hills of northwest Himalayas, India. (pp. 137–142). Sharma, A., S. Ahmed and J.M. Julka. 2019 (July). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German]

(12) The earthworms (Oligochaeta) of Tennessee. V. Acanthodrilidae. (pp. 143–178). Reynolds, J.W. and G.A. Damoff 2019 (October). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German; with 3 colour plates]

Index Volume 24. (pp. 179–180). Reynolds, J.W. 2019 (October). [paper in English, no abstract]

Volume 25, 2019–2020
Issue #
(1) The earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Yukon and a first record for Skagway, Alaska, USA. (pp. 1–17). Reynolds, J.W., E.K. Cameron, L.M. Sweeney, B. Bennett and B. Godin 2019 (October). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 39 colour plates]

On the distribution of Helodrilus patriarchalis (Rosa, 1893) (Clitellata, Megadrili) in Turkey, with a new record from Eskisehir Province, Central Anatolia. (pp. 18–20). Mısırlıoğlu, İ.M. 2019 (October). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Turkish]

(2) Rare earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) in Canada. (pp. 21–32). Reynolds, J.W. 2019 (November). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with one colour plate]

On the Distribution of the Genus Octodrilus (Clitellata, Megadrili) in Turkey. (pp. 33–38). Mısırlıoğlu, İ.M. and J.W. Reynolds. 2019 (November). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Turkish]

(3) New earthworm (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) records for California and New Mexico, USA. (pp. 39–45). Reynolds, J.W. and W.K. Reeves. 2019 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 1 colour plate]

Distribution of Atlanto-Mediterranean and Balkan-Anatolian earthworm species (Clitellata, Megadrili) in Turkey. (pp. 46–51). Mısırlıoğlu, İ.M., R. Tsekova and H. Valchovski. 2019 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Turkish, Bulgarian]

(4) Earthworms (Lumbricidae) from the Caledonia Gorge Protected Natural Area, New Brunswick, Canada. (pp. 53–60). McAlpine, D.F., S.A. Sullivan and J.W. Reynolds. 2019 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 11 colour plates]

(5) Rare earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) in the continental United States. (pp. 61–88). Reynolds, J.W. 2020 (January). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Luxembourgish; with 3 colour plates]

(6) Earthworms (Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) of the Grand Lake Protected Natural Area, New Brunswick, Canada. (pp. 89–98). McAlpine, D.F., S.A. Sullivan, F.J.T. McAlpine, J.H. Lewis and J.W. Reynolds. 2020 (January). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 18 colour plates]

(7) Earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) and Leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea) of the Northwest Territories, Canada. (pp. 99–106). Reynolds, J.W., P.M. Catling and B. Kostiuk. 2020 (March). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, 5 colour plates]

(8) A new look at earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in Colorado, USA as hosts of the Cluster Fly Pollenia rudis F. (Diptera: Calliphoridae). (pp. 107–112). Reynolds. J.W., W.K. Reeves, O.P. Olayemi, S.J. Fonte, M.M. Miller and W.S. Cranshaw. 2020. (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates]

(9) New earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) records from opposite ends of the Earth. (pp. 113–118). Reynolds, J.W. 2020 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates]

(10) New earthworm (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae and Lumbricidae) records from Gough Island, South Atlantic Ocean. (pp. 119–126). Reynolds, J.W. 2020 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates]

(11) Distribution of Aporrectodea handlirschi mahnerti (Zicsi, 1973) (Clitellata, Megadrili) in Turkey. (pp. 127–130). Mısırlıoğlu, İ.M., M. Stojanović and J.W. Reynolds. 2020 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Turkish, Serbian, German]

(12) Preliminary key to Tunisian megadriles (Annelida, Clitellata, Oligochaeta), based on external characters, insofar as possible. (pp. 131–141). Medini-Bouaziz, L., R. Ben Ali, M. Limem and J.W. Reynolds. 2020 (October) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Arabic, with 9 colour plates]

Index Volume 25. (pp. 141–142). Reynolds, J.W. 2020 (October). [paper in English, no abstract]

Volume 26, 2020–2022
Issue #
(1) Earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) in Canadian Ecozones. (pp. 1–35). Reynolds, J.W. 2020 (November). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 16 colour plates]

(2) New earthworm (Annelida: Oligochaeta) records in Colorado and California, USA. (pp. 37–41). Reynolds, J.W. and W.K. Reeves. 2020 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 5 colour plates]

(3) Amynthas alexandri Beddard, 1901 (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) a new addition to the earthworm fauna of Karnsataka State, Southern India. (pp. 43–49). Hasyagar, V., S. Prasanth Narayanan, K.S. Sreepada and J.W. Reynolds. 2021 (January). [paper in English; abstracts in English, Kannada, French, Spanish, German; with one colour plate]

(4) Earthworm (Annelida: Oligochaeta) parasites, parasitoids and predators: a review. (pp. 51–60). Reynolds, J.W. 2021 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, Hmong, Kazakh]

Distribution of Dendrobaena pentheri (Rosa, 1905) (Clitellata, Megadrili) in Turkey and the region. (pp. 61–64). Mısırlıoğlu, İ.M. and J.W. Reynolds. 2021 (February) [paper in English; abstracts in English, Turkish, French, Spanish; with one colour plate]

(5) First reports of bioluminescence and range extensions for three genera of earthworms from Oklahoma and Georgia, USA. (pp. 65–70). Bingham, P.S., G.A. Damoff and A.N. Bingham. 2021 (June). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with one colour plate]

(6) Professor, Dr. İbrahım Mete Mısırlıoğlu (1972–2021): In memoriam. (pp. 71–81). Reynolds, J.W. 2021 (June). (paper in English; no abstracts; with four colour plates)

(7) New Asian pheretimoid “jumping earthworm” records (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) in Canada. (pp. 83–89). Reynolds, J.W. and M.J. McTavish. 2021 (October). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with one colour plate]

(8) A preliminary inventory of earthworms (Annelida, Clitellata) of the Nachusa Grasslands Area, Lee and Ogle Counties, Illinois, USA. (pp. 91–125). Wetzel, M.J. and J.W. Reynolds. 2021 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 26 colour plates]

(9) Global diversity of earthworms in various countries and continents: a short review. (pp. 127–153). Bora, S, S.S. Bisht and J.W. Reynolds. 2021 (December). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Hindi, Spanish, German; with one colour plate]^^

(10) Professor, Dr. Clive Arthur Tudor Edwards (1925-2021): In Memoriam. (pp. 157–168). Reynolds, J.W. 2021 (November). [paper in English; no abstracts]

(11) Earthworms (Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) of the Spednic Lake Protected Natural Area, New Brunswick, Canada. (pp. 169–184). McAlpine, D.F., J.W. Reynolds, C.R. Graves and M.C. Sollows. 2022. (March). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 26 colour plates]

(12) Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Megascolecidae) in the Canadian forests. (pp. 185–215). Reynolds, J.W. 2022.  (June). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Russian; with 18 colour plates]

Index Volume 26 (2021–2022). Reynolds, J.W. 2022. Megadrilogica 26(12): 216–217. [paper in English, no abstract]

Volume 27, 2022–2023Issue #
(1) Leech fauna of North-East India (Annelida: Hirudinae). (pp. 1–12). Mandal, C.K., J.W. Reynolds, M.N. Hasan and K. Deuti 2022 (July). [paper in English; abstracts in English, Assamese, French; with 5 colour plates]

(2) Nouvelles espèces de vers de terre (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) au sud de Québec. (pp. 13–20). Reynolds, J.W. and D. La France 2022 (August). [paper in French; abstracts in French, English, Spanish, German; with 3 colour plates]

(3) Record of leech (Annelida: Hirudinida) fauna of Chhotanagpur Deccan Plateau, India. (pp. 21–31). Hasan, M.N., J.W. Reynolds, K. Deuti and C.K. Mandal. 2022 (August). [paper in English; abstracts in English, Hindi; with 2 colour plates]

(4) One new leech Haemadipsa zelanica dhritii (Annelida: Hirudinida, Haemadipsidae) from Nagaland, India. (pp. 33–39). Mandal, C.K., J.W. Reynolds, M.N. Hasan and K. Deuti. 2022 (August). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Tenyidie; Hindi; with 2 colour plates]
Newly described taxa in this issue: {Haemadipsa zelanica dhritii Mandal, Reynolds, Hasan & Deuti, 2022 – ssp. nov.}

(5) Studies on the polychaetous annelids from Digha Coast, West Bengal, India. (pp. 41–56). Hasan, M.N., J.W. Reynolds, K. Deuti, C.K. Mandal and A. Misra. 2022 (September). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Bengali; with 1 colour plate]

(6) A second new leech Haemadipsa zelanica dimapurensis (Annelida: Hirudinida, Haemadipsidae) from Nagaland, India. (pp. 57–62). Mandal, C.K., J.W. Reynolds, M.N. Hasan, K. Deuti, B. Sinha, S. Ghosh and D. Banerjee. 2022 (September). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Tenyidie; with 2 colour plates] Newly described taxa in this issue: {Haemadipsa zelanica dimapurensis Mandal, Reynolds, Hasan, Deuti, Sinha, Ghosh & Banerjee, 2022 – ssp. nov.}

(7) Chronology of earthworm species reported in Canada (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae). (pp. 63–70). Reynolds, J.W. 2022 (September). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German]

(8) Earthworm diversity in Uttarakhand, India. (pp. 71–86). Miglani, R., J.W. Reynolds, S.S. Bisht and S. Ahmed. 2022 (September). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Hindi; with 27 colour plates]

(9) Bilingual checklist for common Canadian earthworms (Annelida, Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). (pp. 87–106). Reynolds, J.W. 2022 (September). [paper in English and French; abstracts in English and French; with 14 colour plates]

(10) A comprehensive checklist of the earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) of Uttarakhand, India. (pp. 107–133). Miglani, R., S. Ahmed, J.W. Reynolds, N. Parveen, A. Kumar and S.S. Bisht. 2022 (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Hindi; with one colour plate]

(11) New earthworm (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) records from southern Nebraska, USA. (pp. 135–146). Reynolds, J.W. and W.K. Reeves. 2022 (November) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German]

(12) Lumbricus terrestris are the most profitable ‘crop’ for Ontario dairy farmers. (pp. 147–154). Steckley, J. 2023 (March) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French; with one colour plate]


Index Volume 27 (2022–2023) (pp. 155–156). Reynolds, J.W. 2023. (March) [paper in English; no abstract]

Volume 28, 2023–2025Issue #
(1) The current status of Asian pheretimoid earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) in Canada. (pp. 1–20). Reynolds, J.W.  2023 (April). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 9 colour plates]

(2) Phylogeographic analysis of the invasive Asian earthworm (Amynthas alexandri) in the central Kerala of the Western Ghats Region. (pp. 21–27). Manazhy, J.,  A. Manazhy, J. Joseph V, M. Raj and J.W. Reynolds. 2023. (May) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Malayalam]

(3)  Earthworms (Lumbricidae) of the Kennedy Lakes Protected Natural Area, New Brunswick, with the second Canadian occurrence of Dendrobaena attemsi Michaelsen.  (pp. 29–43). McAlpine, D.F., G.S. Sreedharan, M.C. Sollows, and J.W. Reynolds.  2023. (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French; with 20 colour plates]

(4) Laboratory observations on incubation and hatching pattern of cocoons of the earthworm Octolasion tyrtaeum. (pp. 45–52). Bora, S., D.C. Melkani, M. Arya, S.S. Bisht and J.W. Reynolds 2023 (November) [paper in English; abstracts in Hindi, English, French; with 13 colour plates]

(5) Sparganophilus (Annelida, Oligochaeta, Sparganophilidae) in North America.  (pp. 53–80). Reeves, W.K., J.W. Reynolds and M.J. Wetzel.  2024 (April) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 18 colour plates]

(6) Endoparasites of Sparganophilus tamesis (Oligochaeta: Sparganophilidae) from Washington state, USA. (pp 81–86). Reeves, W.K. and J.W. Reynolds. 2024 (June) [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German; with 2 colour plates]

(7)  Drilosphere’s relevance for the functioning of the Agroecosystem: A Review.   (pp. 87–109).   Singh, K., J.M. Julka, S. Yadav and J.W. Reynolds. 2024 (July) [paper in English; abstracts in English, Hindi, French, German, with 7 colour plates]

(8) Updates to the species in The Earthworms (Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in Canada (Reynolds, 2022).  (pp.  111–128). Reynolds, J.W.  2024 (August). [paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish, German, with 8 colour plates]

(9) Informations nouvelles sur les espèces répertoriées dans l’ouvrage Les vers de terre (Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae et Sparganophilidae) au Canada (Reynolds, 2022).  (pp. 129–146). Reynolds, J.W.  2024 (August).   [paper in French; abstracts in French, English, Spanish, German, with 8 colour plates]

(10) Vibrational spectroscopic analysis of coelomic fluid of terrestrial oligochaete. 2024. (147–156). Manazhy, A., J. Manazhy, I.H. Joe, V.P. Shanmughan, C.B. Prasanth, R. Rahulan, A.V. Suresh, S. Ajithan, and J.W. Reynolds (2024) (September). [paper in English, with Malayalam and English abstracts; with one colour plate].

(11) The earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) of northern Nebraska, USA. (pp. 157-164). Reeves, W.K. and J.W. Reynolds 2024. (December) [ paper in English; abstracts in English, French, Spanish; no colour plates]

(12) Abundance and biomass of earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) and their impacts on nutrient dynamics in orchards and cultivated land of Indian Himalayan Region, India.  (pp. 165–188).  Bora, S., S.S. Bisht, D.C. Melkani and J.W. Reynolds. 2025. (January) [paper in English; abstracts in Sanskrit, English, French; with 23 colour plates]

29 (1)  Early detection of invasive pheretimoid “jumping worms” using community science and urban ravine surveys in Ontario, Canada.  McTavish, M.J., E. Tanga, J.W. Reynolds, R.S. Bourchier and S.M. Smith [early 2025]

> The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae and Sparganophilidae) of the Huron Mountain region in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA. Wetzel, M.J. and J.W. Reynolds.

> The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) of Illinois, USA. II. Wetzel, M.J. and J.W. Reynolds.

> Terrestrial Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) in North America, including Mexico, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Bermuda. IV. Reynolds, J.W. and M.J. Wetzel.

This website was established (14 August 2003) by Mark J. Wetzel (Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois, USA, and an associate editor of this journal), in cooperation with Dr. John W. Reynolds (Director of the Oligochaetology Laboratory, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada), the Editor-in-Chief of Megadrilogica. Questions, comments, corrections, and/or suggestions regarding this website can be directed to Mark Wetzel [*E-Mail: mjwetzel{AT}]; other inquiries specific to the Journal (e.g., editorial format, manuscript submission, publication schedule, page and reprint charges, suggestions for outside reviewers, subscriptions, purchase of past volumes / issues by individuals and institutional libraries) should be directed to Dr. Reynolds [E-Mail address: john.w.reynolds1941′{AT}’].

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Wetzel, M.J., and J.W. Reynolds. 2025. Cumulative index for the journal Megadrilogica. July.
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